Metal and Concrete

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Alastor's town car dropped me off at the hospital's entrance. Giving the driver a hurried thanks, I dashed inside where I was met by Jasmine and several frantic looking interns. 

"They're on route," Jasmine said as we walked towards the ambulance bay.

Passing me a plastic smock and hair cap, she continued, "Just put this on for now and fully scrub out after we get an idea what we're up against."

Quickly throwing on the smock and cap, we stepped outside to where the ambulances would pull up. I could hear the sirens getting closer with each passing second. Any moment now, it would come around the corner and I could do what I was put into existence to do. Save lives.

Preceded by flashing red and blue lights, the ambulance rounded the corner, tires squealing. I could hear Jasmine's breath hitch in her throat as I hissed, "What the hell is he doing?" 

There was no way the ambulance could safely stop. He was going way too fast. 

"Everyone, move!" I shouted, waving the interns back. A gut feeling told me this was going to end very badly. 

My feeling was proved correct by the loud screeching of metal on concrete as the ambulance overturned onto its side and was sliding towards us. 

"Fucking move!" I screamed at the frozen interns. How the hell could their fight or flight instincts be so broken?

I looked around to make sure everyone was out of the path, only to find one intern missing. A short blonde haired imp staring in horror as the ambulance slid closer and closer. Swearing under my breath, I lunged towards her, pushing her as hard as I could. 

Her face was a mixture of shock and realization as I threw her out of the way. I don't know what my own face looked like. Hell, I couldn't even tell you what I was feeling at that exact moment. All I knew was one moment I was looking at this idiot intern and the next moment there was nothing but darkness.

Between the Tires and the Road | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now