Braindead Goldfish

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Alastor only looked more amused at my rudeness. On Earth, my mother would have beat me over the head with a broom for being so rude, but this was Hell. Rudeness was the least of the sins here though. At least I wasn't a puppy killer, those went straight to the boiler room of the nine circles. 

"I wanted to apologize for upsetting you last night," He continued, surprising me, "I understand your hospital received the sinners caught in the crosshairs of the latest turf war."

I sighed, the more rational part of my brain in control now, "I'm sorry for screaming at you. You didn't have any part of it."

Alastor gave me a little bow, replying, "Apology accepted."

We stood there for a moment before I asked, "Do you want to come in for some coffee?"

The grin on Alastor's face stretched even wider, "Unfortunately, I have an appointment to get to. How about I send the car to pick you up for dinner tonight?"

I stared at him like a braindead goldfish. Was he really asking me to go out with him? I stammered like an idiot for a moment before saying, "Um, sure. I guess that would be alright."

"Perfect," Alastor said, "I'll send a car at seven."

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