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I spent over a month in the hospital. By some miracle, the ambulance that hit me hadn't sent me another six feet under. Most of my days were spent watching crappy local TV or listening to what was going on in the hospital.

What most people don't realize, is that hospitals are a world of their own. Since the staff pretty much live at the hospital, we have our own little ecosystem complete with plenty of drama. Someone was always sleeping with someone, interns were doing stupid intern things...the list went on and on. It was like living in a soap opera sometimes. 

While I was in that coma, there were no less than four messy love triangles, and that was just between the interns. One nurse was cheating on her partner with an anesthesiologist. Of course, a fair amount of this went on in my room. Fun fact, people in comas can sometimes sense things going on around them. 

When I was finally able to sit up, I asked for my patient files to be given to me. If I was going to be sitting here, I could at least make myself useful. The only time I wasn't pouring over patient files was when Alastor visited. He would spend hours at my bedside and brought me meals so I didn't have to eat crappy hospital food. 

When Jasmine finally approved me for release, it felt surreal. I had another month of healing and physical therapy left, but I hadn't thought about it beyond being released. Alastor helped me into his town car and as we sped away, I felt as though I was still in a dream.

Between the Tires and the Road | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now