What in the...?

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I woke up in my apartment with a massive headache. Laying there in complete laziness, I attempted to piece the night back together. The shitty workday, the lonesome drinking, the sinner who didn't understand the word no...the Radio Demon. I sat bolt upright in bed, the blood draining from my face.

The last thing I remember was drinking with Alastor. 

Throwing the covers out of the way, I jumped out of bed and looked around. Nothing was out of place except a water bottle on the nightstand next to my bed. I never kept bottles next to my bed, otherwise, I would never throw them away and they would just pile up. 

Slightly creeped out, I left the bedroom and went into the kitchen. Nothing was out of place beyond the fact the coffee maker held a fresh pot of coffee and had a note taped to it. 


I appreciated your company last night. Please forgive my intrusion inside your home, I thought it more comforting than my own house to wake up. My business card is on the counter by your coffee mug. Let me know if you need anyone to run off unwanted sinner again.


I read the note several times over before setting it down, "What in the ever loving fuck?"

Between the Tires and the Road | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now