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We don't know what to expect when we die. Some say there is a light at the end of a tunnel. Others say there is an angel or a demon that greets you. And some say there is just nothing. Lights out. The first time I had died, it was dark and I had felt like I was falling. Then all of a sudden, there was Hell. 

This time, I could still vaguely sense what was going on around me. However, my body felt suspended in nothingness. It was like all of my senses were turned on the lowest settings. 

I remember panicking, wondering what would happen if they called the time of death. Would I be buried like this? I panicked for what seemed like days until it dissolved into an uncomfortable numbness. 

As I drifted through nothingness, I could sense Jasmine and several nurses I talked with regularly. It seemed as though she had taken charge of whatever was going on. I could only assume they had me wired up to every possible thing that would keep me alive. 

Then another voice joined the noise. Alastor. Someone, I assumed Jasmine, had called him and told him I was in limbo. I could only vaguely follow their conversation, but one sentence stood out.

"Cost means nothing," Alastor said, "I have that covered. Do anything you can to keep her alive."

Between the Tires and the Road | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now