Chapter 1: Meeting him

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For anyone that doesn't already know:
Y/f/f- your favourite food
Y/n- your name

Also I have put ** where Gerard comes into the story which is towards the middle of this chapter however I would appreciate it if you read the whole thing but I know what this generations like. It is a lot but this is just the introduction so it basically just gives you y/n's backstory

Thank you for reading x

I'd just moved with my whole family from England to America, more specifically East London to New Jersey, we had to come here because my dad got a relatively high paid job in the area so one day he came home and told us we were moving, I didn't want to go I wanted to stay with my best mate but I'm still only sixteen so my parents made me go it felt so unfair cause' they allowed my eighteen year old brother to stay but me and my younger brother, Tom, had to go. Our parents didn't like us much we never had much of a relationship with them, now technically they weren't our real parents they were our auntie and uncle who we call mum and dad because they took us in after we were taken away from our birth parents who struggled with substance abuse and had multiple run ins with the law because of this Tom and I were very close we tell each other everything about each other it's always been that way we don't really talk to our older brother but to be fair we barely see him. We'd been living in the states only for about a week now but I suppose some of it was okay.

I hated it here to be truthful, it wasn't the place I hated it was the distance, I had one friend back home, Marie, who was like a sister to me I'd tell her everything and she'd tell me everything we practically grew up together and I know it's only been a week but I was really missing her now like we spoke on the phone everyday but it wasn't really the same.

Since I got here I spent a lot of time in my room alone I didn't have any friends here since I'd only just arrived so I spent a lot of time with my earphones in looking out the window In the past couple of days I'd noticed a boy who looked around my age maybe a few years older he lived across the street from me I'd never spoke to him or even made contact with him before or anything but I did find him very attractive; he had long black hair and was usually dressed in black, not always but I'd seen him a few times in a leather jacket every time I saw him from my window I was afraid he'd see me staring I mean it probably sounds kind of weird but it's not my fault he's sexy. But me being me I was too afraid to go outside and speak to him plus he looked a bit dodgy but who was I to judge plus I'm literally terrified of strangers and I get way too anxious starting up a conversation especially with someone I know nothing about.

I sighed as I gazed out of the window I saw him lighting up a cigarette on his porch and then shoving his lighter into his pocket he walked down the street I looked until he was out of sight then I went back to day dreaming about what my life could've been. I felt like it was ruined, like I'd never be happy again not that I was happy back in the UK but at least there I know what I'm getting but here everything feels so strange and different. Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts when my aunt who I call my mum because it's easier called me down for dinner "y/n! Tea's ready!" she called I sighed and ran down the stairs.

I went to see what we were having for dinner I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it was something I actually like considering I don't like most foods it was y/f/f. After I finished eating my tea I decided I'd go outside for a bit it was early evening and already quite dark but I didn't mind if anything I preferred it that way, less chance of someone seeing me. "I'm gonna go out the front for a bit" I told my mum "alright y/n but be careful" she warned, I chucked my leather jacket on well I say leather it was one of them plastic fake leather jackets after all I'm not made of money and I opened the door accidentally slamming it behind me.

I sat on the edge of the porch with my feet resting on the stones below I hummed the tune of my favourite song quietly and kicked the stone below my feet as I thought about my life I just wished me and my mate had gotten the chance to properly start our band but I had to move so suddenly that we couldn't in the end and with the move I felt I left all my hopes and dreams behind I felt like I saw them being shut in a box and then forced to watch them burn. I was so deep in thought I actually started to cry, why me? Why do I always get bad luck? I didn't even bother to wipe my tears away because more and more kept coming I wasn't properly crying but I wanted to and my eyes kept producing tears I just felt so helpless and weak I was still staring at the ground that I didn't even notice a boy come over to me "hey are you alright?" He said making me jump a little "sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he chuckled oh just my luck how embarrassing I thought as I looked up I saw who it was it was the boy I kept seeing through my window the one that I thought was really good looking "nah it's alright" I shrugged but he didn't buy it and so he sat down beside me "Sorry I'm Gerard by the way" he said introducing himself "I'm y/n" I told him "you're not from around here are you?" He said to me "how can y' tell?" I chuckled sarcastically "what brings you here then?" He asked as he stubbed out his cigarette and chucked it onto the stones below our feet "me dad got a job here and we was forced to move here it all happened quite suddenly actually" I said sadly "hey it's not that bad here is it?" He said jokingly "nah it's just I miss my mate and all that you know what I mean?" I told him "yeah I get it" he said wiping a tear from my cheek with his thumb "I just feel like all my dreams died when I moved" I told him truthfully, I didn't know why I was telling him all this stuff I guess I needed to get it off my chest because no one else would be willing to listen to me rant about my feelings "what were your dreams?" He asked looking at me intently "me and my mate we started a band...but we never got a chance to get it off the ground because I had to move away" I said sighing heavily "a band, ay?" He said excitedly "what type of band?" He said sounding genuinely interested "a punk band" "really I'm in a rock band you know?" He said sounding excited "really? That's so cool" I said with a smile, this really did impress me I didn't think I'd ever meet anyone who was into the same stuff as me here "what do you play?" He asked "guitar but I do also sing and I used to play drums" I told him "and you?" I asked "I sing" he smiled. Wow he's cool he's not as bad as my previous assumptions of him made him out to be. "If you'd like maybe we could sing together with my band at some point?" He offered "yeah I'd love that, Gerard" I said smiling back at him but quickly trying to cover it because I hate my smile "heyyy don't hide you look cute when you smile" which made my cheeks heat up I barely knew him and here he was making me embarrassed already; having said that we'd been talking for about half an hour and I'd already began to develop feelings for him. "Also call me Gee" he added "okay, Gee" I said nodding at him slightly "you wanna come to band practice with me tomorrow, y/n?" He asked me "sure I'd love to" I said excitedly I was chuffed to bits with this maybe living here won't be so bad after all.

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