Chapter 24: Tour

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It was the day Gerard and the guys were finally leaving to go on tour I was so proud of how far they'd all come. They all looked so happy it did make me happy to see them all so excited. S/n was sleeping so I left him upstairs and went downstairs and outside to help them load the trailer. "I'm really happy for you all" I smiled but I also felt hurt in a way because I was gonna be back to square one again. Not knowing anyone. The only difference now was I have a baby and quite a few people around here hate me. It would be a lie to say I'm not scared but I want Gerard to follow his dreams I don't wanna be the reason he doesn't succeed and after all I love him so much. After the van was loaded Gee came towards me to say goodbye but I'd already started to tear up I didn't want to make him feel bad or guilty so this really was the last thing I wanted but he took me into his arms "Aww y/n don't cry"

"I'm so sorry, Gerard, it's just I'm gonna miss you"

"I know...but I promise to call you every night and if you have any problems or worries don't hesitate to call me"

"I won't Gerard, I won't" I told him holding him tighter I knew this was the last time I'd see him for four months I was gonna miss him so much "it's just...I'm gonna be alone"

"Hey, Sugar, I know you haven't got any family really or friends around here but if you do need to talk to someone my mum said you can always go by there and also she hasn't really met s/n yet" he said softly

"Thank you Gerard I love you so much thank you" I smiled kissing his face some more. I was so grateful for him. It was gonna be really hard to be without him and I know I didn't see him for three months when he was living in the nick but this was gonna be different because I could at least visit him there now all I was gonna have was his voice on the phone. "I really love you, Gee, I'm gonna miss you so much"

"I know, baby, and I love you too but I promise when I come back we'll be happy and we'll at least have a bit more money hopefully" he smiled weakly I know he could see the pain in my eyes but we trusted each other and that's all that matters I guess.

"Come on Gee we've got to go!" Frank called

"Okay I'm coming"

"I love you" Gerard said to me

"I love you too, please? ring me tonight"

"Of course I will" he said before giving me a deep kiss on the lips and taking me in his arms it all seemed too quick for me though. After the kiss he let go of me and I was fully crying now he frowned a little knowing he couldn't make it better but he had places to be. "I'll talk to you later" he said stroking my cheek with his thumb and wiping away my tears before getting into the van. "I'll see you, y/n" he smiled at me and I came over to the van just to wish the others goodbye.

"I'll see ya, Gerard and I love you!" I called just before they left

"I love you!" He shouted through the window and they sped off down the street. I just watched as the van got smaller and smaller into the distance until it was out of sight. I really was gonna miss them all without Gerard I'm nothing. I feel unsafe. Anything can happen to me now he's not here to protect me.

I was all alone now I went back upstairs to my flat and I checked on S/n and he was still asleep. I just sat down on the sofa I felt so empty without my Gerard he was all I had and now he wasn't gonna be back for a while. I didn't know what to do with myself I still had the afternoon to myself and all I wanted was Gerard. I sat there on my phone but I was really bored. Then I could hear S/n crying he'd obviously just woken up so I took him into the lounge area and fed him after that he calmed down and I played with the toys Gee had got for him, with him. A few hours had passed and S/n was getting tired again so I gave him some dinner and put him to bed. The sun was beginning to set now and then my phone rang. I answered it.

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