Chapter 25: first day on tour

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We were in the van for about three hours until everyone started to get tired so we pulled over. "I'm guessing we're sleeping in here?" I said

"Yeah" Gerard said

"Yeah Mikey and Frank are in the back seats so you will be here with me and Ray"

"Okay" I smiled and put my arms around Gerard
"I missed this" I muttered to him

"I missed this too" he whispered and then he kissed my lips gently

"Come on you two I'm tryna sleep" Ray chuckled

"Sorry" I said before finally resting my head on Gee's chest.

The next morning I woke up earlier than everyone else so I just had to rest on Gerard and be careful not to wake him.

Eventually everyone woke up Frank woke up about half an hour after me and he woke Gerard up by blowing in his ear "heyyy!" Gerard complained while rubbing his eyes and Frank laughed

"Morning Gee" I said kissing his cheek

"'Morning, Sugar" he said in his morning voice

Ray opened his eyes as well "bit early isn't it?"

"Ray it's 9:30"

"Yeah what I said early" he responded

I rolled my eyes "y/n we should live out here for the rest of our lives well all of us should" Gee said to me

"What? No. What about our son Gerard?"

"Oh...yeah...I forgot"

Cor that really did piss me off that he forgot about his own son but I didn't respond to him and I stayed close to him.

"We'll be back on the road in a few hours but we normally like to chill for a bit" Gee explained to me


"If you wanna go and take a shower there are some around the back" he said pointing to a building "you don't have to though I hate taking showers on the road"

"No I'll take one if it's okay"

"You want me to come with you?" He asked

"No it's fine Gerard I won't be long"

"Okay if you're sure"

"See ya" I smiled kissing him on the cheek then I got out of the van it was quite a hot day so I thought it'd be a good decision to have a wash. I went to just outside where the showers were and a man came up to me just as I was about to go inside the building.

"What you doing round here, pretty?" He asked me and I giggled mostly out of nervousness because I was panicking on the inside

"Um...I'm just gonna take a shower and then I shall be going back to my boyfriend" I said bravely

"Do you wanna maybe get it on with me?" He said raising an eyebrow, he looked at least thirty and he was bigger than me

"No thanks I've got someone and I'm busy"

"I won't tell if you don't, darling" he said backing me into the wall

"There's nothing to tell" I said shakily

"Not yet there isn't" he said before kissing my neck and getting way too close to me

"Get off of me!" I shouted
"GER-" I tied to scream for Gerard but the guy put a hand over my mouth

"Stupid bitch" he said squeezing my breasts and walking off.

I slid down the wall and I cried I didn't want to have a shower anymore, I wanted Gerard, what if he didn't believe me? What if he leaves me here? All these thoughts crossed my mind as I sat there for about 15 minutes until someone came round the corner it was Gee. He didn't notice me at first but then he looked down and saw me.

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