Chapter 14: confessions

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Frank sat opposite me on the bed "look Frank I'm more than aware of what this looks like but you've got to listen to me" I said desperately

"I'll listen but that is it." He agreed

"So you know those men that beat me up the other day?"


"Well basically yesterday when I was on my way to Gee's they saw me and dragged me into an alleyway-" I said and was then interrupted by myself crying "and they said I have to do as they say or they'll kill Gerard" I said through teary eyes "one of the men made me give him my phone and- and he put his number in it and said- said if I block him he'll kill Gee and-and- and after that they let me go and I went to Gee's house late and I had to lie to him because they said if I tell anyone they'll kill Gerard they said that and they know where he lives and they know where I live they know everything somehow and I'm scared Frank I'm sorry I kept this from you all but they want Gerard's blood just to have me" I said barely taking a breath whilst saying it and stopping in between words to cry.

"Oh y/n I'm so so sorry I didn't know"

"How could you? You weren't there"

"And the hickeys on your neck?" He asked noticing I hadn't addressed them yet

"This morning I got a text from him and he said to meet him so I left Gee's house and I went to go and find the man because he said if I didn't he'd kill Gee and so I went to find him and he- he started touching my body it made me feel disgusting and then he started to put hickeys on my neck saying Gee will never love me now another man has marked me and- and- and he was right and if you don't believe me I get it but I do still have the text messages" I sobbed loudly, taking my phone out of my pocket to show him.

Frank looked closely at my phone "but what does he want with you?" He asked

"I don't know I don't even know him" I said sadly "how am I gonna explain this to Gee?"

"Leave it to me"

"No Frank he'll be so angry and then these guys will get him and they're all much bigger than him"

"Look I'll go and see him you stay here"

"But I want to be his and now he's left me thinking I'm just some slut"

"Look calm down y/n we'll sort this Gee loves you so much he'll understand once I explain and y/n under no circumstances do you leave the house on your own" he said seriously

"Okay" I nodded in agreement

As Frank left the house to go and see Gee I snuggled into the sheets terrified I just wanted to be held by Gerard I didn't ever want anyone else.

Frank's POV:

I walked in and just saw Gee laying on his bed "are you okay, man?" I asked him

"Obviously not" He huffed

He didn't look great and I had a bad feeling "Oh God, Gee, Have you been drinking?"

He just groaned. I decided this was probably a lost cause right now "Look I'll sleep on the couch we'll discuss this is the morning" I said before leaving him to it.

"Whatever" he said before passing out.

The next morning I went to see Gerard he was very badly hungover "Gee, do you remember what happened yesterday?" I asked him

"Yeah and I wish I didn't" he said pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"You know y/n really loves you?"

"Ha funny joke" he said sarcastically

"No Gee I mean it she spoke to me last night and told me everything. She was taken against her will." I said trying to remain calm. Suddenly that grabbed Gerard's attention and he sat up.

"She- she- she was r-raped?" Gee said suddenly his eyes went wide and he looked sad the anger had disappeared and he just looked sorrowful.

"She was sexually assaulted by those men from the other day that beat her and they said they'd kill you if she didn't do everything they asked" I said sadly

"Oh my God, why didn't she say anything?" Gee said worriedly

"They told her if she said anything they'd kill you Gerard she showed me the text messages and everything"

"I need to see her. I need to hold her in my arms. Tell her I'm sorry. I need to help her" Gee said anxiously

"Alright come on then let's go"

And with that me and Gee rushed back to my house.

Y/n's POV:
The boys both arrived back and when Gee came over to me and got into bed beside me and held me so close to his chest "I won't let them hurt you I promise" he whispered to me as I cried into his chest.

"They want you dead, Gee" I sobbed

"Not if I get them first." he said sounding angry

"There's loads of them and they're all double the size of you" I said clinging to him tightly not wanting to ever let go. "What are we supposed to do?" I asked him through tears.

"I really don't know, the only way we might be safe is if we lived under the same roof but that's not an option" he said kissing my head.

"Oh Gerard, he's so scary and he hurts me and I don't know why"

"I know it's not nice...but we'll get to the bottom of this"

"If you leave the house alone Gee he'll kill you" I sobbed

"Look don't worry about it"

"But I am because he wants your blood, Gerard"

"I'm sure we'll think of something I guess you can stay tonight, Gee, but only tonight" Frank said sounding concerned

"Thanks, man"

"It makes me so angry that they're still out there, free, and after you,
Y/n, after us" Gee said as I held onto him.

After that we decided to change the subject and me, Gee and Frank had a right laugh we just watched tv and ate pizza it was a nice evening even after all the horrible events that had occurred recently. And Gerard couldn't stop apologising to me after walking off but it's not his fault I'd've probably done the same I told him.

We went to sleep not too late because we needed to be up in the morning to formulate a plan and also because Gerard was still hungover, I knew what had happened but I didn't bring it up because I didn't want him to feel bad about himself although it does need addressing soon.

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