Chapter 4: Fights

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It'd been at least a week and a half maybe even two since I last saw Gerard, I hadn't seen him in ages I'd just been on the phone crying to my mate all week in all honesty she was probably getting sick off me at this point I mean I would be. My parents were out for a couple of weeks attending a series of business meetings they took my younger bother with them so I had the house to myself I was meant to be going to school but I never went cause' I was too scared and I was missing Gerard but he clearly didn't feel the same he lied to me. That's all anyone's ever done to me is lied. And here I am paying the price he knocked me up now I've gotta deal with the consequences. I should've known. I didn't even have his number or anything.

Then I heard the door go I thought it was probably a delivery or something although I secretly hoped it would be Gee. I walked down the stairs slowly and opened the door I put my hands out for the delivery to be placed in my hands but instead I felt hands being placed in my hands it made me jump a bit then I looked up and saw Gee. "What you doing here?" I asked miserably "I came to see you, sugar" he said softly still holding both my hands in his "why haven't you been round in weeks Gee?I hate you! I hate you, for leaving me here alone my whole family's out and I've been alone!" I shouted at him trying to hit him but he grabbed my wrist to stop me I struggled in his grip "do you think I chose not come here?" He said, gently letting go of my wrist as he lowered my arm "I told Mikey about you being pregnant and then when we got in a fight he told our mum and she basically grounded me" he explained himself "Gee? You're nineteen how are you still getting grounded?" I asked curiously "my parents are kinda strict about the whole thing" he sighed and gave me a cuddle I let him in "they think you're too young for me, you know?" He told me "my parents don't know how old you are but they wouldn't be happy but well they never are" I said taking his hand and leading him to the lounge where we sat on my sofa "you don't think I'm some kind of weirdo just using you for your body, do you, sweetheart?" He asked me stroking my face as I rest my head on his chest "of course I don't Gee...although I did start to wonder after you didn't come round lately" I said frowning "I'd never leave you" he said kissing my face and we cuddled up to each other and watched whatever was on the telly it was quite late by now "Gee? Can you stay tonight?" I asked him nicely "if that's what you want" he said burying his face in my hair.

We went upstairs I only had a single bed but it was better that way I got to be closer to him and that's what I liked I'd never been in a relationship before but I liked this I wanted to be with Gee forever even though we technically weren't together officially.

The next day me and Gerard just cuddled up together under a blanket on the sofa talking but when it started to get dark and I fell asleep on him it was then when my parents got home. My dad switched the light on to see me all peaceful laying on Gerard's chest "drugged my daughter ave' ya?" He said aggressively to Gee "shh she's sleeping" he said but it was too late I was awake now I rubbed my eyes and sat up still holding onto Gerard though "you knocked her up and God knows what you're gonna do to her next, stupid thing is she's an idiot she'll let you hurt her she's a slut as well!" My 'dad' said looking at both me and Gee, I felt disgusted how could he say such a thing when I was literally a virgin two weeks ago "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT!" Gerard shouted he flipped out at this he was fuming but I stopped him he had his fists clenched but I stopped him I grabbed his fist as a tear fell down my cheek and he looked at me and he stopped as he relaxed his hands and let his fists unravel in my hands "stop Gee" I cried and he stopped he held me I knew he was trying to protect me but it'd just make everything so much worse for everyone involved especially me "here take this" I said slipping him a piece of paper with my number on it "I'm sorry, sugar" he said looking at me sorrowfully, taking the paper and with that he left.

I refused to talk to my parents after that the only person I need is Gee he's the only one who cares for me and respects me. After about half an hour of crying in my bed I got a call from an unknown number I answered and as I suspected it was Gerard "are you alright now?" He asked me "not really this whole family hates me" I sobbed "don't listen to them you're perfect as you are" he told me which meant a lot to me coming from him, his was the only opinion I valued I just snivelled a bit trying to stop my crying "You listen to me sugar, you're beautiful, you're amazing, you're perfect, okay? But it's just bad things happen to good people" he told me "okay" I managed to say after that we spoke over the phone for a bit "Gee do you mind if I sleep while you're still on the phone?" "No not at all" he said and we both ended up falling asleep on the phone.

This morning I woke up with the realisation I'd have to go to school today I got dressed and put some make up on I didn't eat any breakfast because there was nothing I liked anyway. I decided I'd stop at Gee's first.

I left the house wearing the jacket Gerard had given me to wear and I rushed to Gee's house I knocked on the door and he answered "sugar?" He said confused to see me so early but still inviting me in anyway I went inside to talk to him "Gee I have to go to school but I don't wanna go I'm scared" I said frantically, shaking in fear he pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair calming me down "shh shh" he said trying to relax me "I know you don't wanna go but you have to sweetheart I tell you what I'll come and pick you up later" and although I was still nervous it was a sweet thing to do so I decided I'd go "okay Gee can you take me there as well?" "Alright" he smiled kissing my cheek.

I'd only been at school for two hours when word got out that I was pregnant. Fuck knows how I don't even know nobody here. But people started making comments in the hallway to me "fucking slut" "whore" anything along those lines I'd been called today. Finally it was home time which I was happy about I knew Gerard was picking me up so I was happy about that it was the only thing keeping me going all day I walked down the hallway to leave when all of a sudden some bully showed up "you gonna try and fuck me are you?" He teased which made me cross "fuck off ya cunt" I scoffed at him finally having had enough of this today then he started hurting me he threw me against the wall and slapped my face multiple times before someone started shouting at the bully to leave me alone I looked to see who it was; it was Frank I thought he hated me but maybe not. The crowd of kids left and the bully got away I had a handprint on my face and a black eye Frank came over to me "I'm sorry that happened to you some people are dicks" he said as he helped me up "thank you...but why did you save me though I thought you hated me?" I said still in shock and still processing what just happened "I don't hate you plus I know Gerard cares about you a lot and I fucking hate bullies especially guys like him beating up a pregnant girl who does he think he is?" He explained and I held onto his arm and he took me to Gerard's car I sat in the passenger seat and cried into my hands Gerard looked confused and looked at Frank, Frank explained the situation to Gee and Gee got out his seat and walked over to me he just held me "I'll get him, you don't worry, sugar" He said clenching his teeth and I didn't say anything I just shook and cried. Frank told Gee everything who he was and all that sort of business and Gerard ran off to find him leaving me with Frank. Frank tried to make me feel better by saying stuff to me he made me laugh a few times he's actually a pretty funny guy. After about twenty minutes Gee returned with bloody knuckles and a satisfied smile "he won't be bothering you again anytime soon, sugar" he assured me "now let's get you home, also Frank do you wanna lift?" "Sure" And with that Frank got in the back seat and we headed home first to drop Frank off then to Gee's house.

When we got inside Gerard's house he noticed the hand print on my face and he looked heartbroken "Oh sugar" he said sadly as he held me in his arms "I'm not going back there" I told him with fresh tears in my eyes "no you're not" he agreed looking down at me and kissing my forehead.

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