Chapter 13: you're evil, you know that?

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We sat in the living room and he looked at me I must've have had fear written allover my face because he looked seriously concerned. "Sugar, what happened? look...scared?" He said taking my shaking hand and placing it on his knee "you can tell me anything, okay?" He assured me but I knew it wasn't an option he wouldn't be able to keep it to himself and they know where I live so I'm sure they'd know if he knew. I just slowly nodded at him with a blank expression and glassy eyes. "So you gonna tell me what's wrong?" He said stroking the top of my hand with his thumb. Quick y/n think of something believable.

"Um well I was so scared to go, Gee, after the other day with those men and I got half way here when I suddenly felt really scared and I didn't know what to do I didn't want to let you down so I just stopped and sat on a wall and cried I'm sorry, Gee, I should've called" I said breathlessly I think he must've bought it then.

"Aww sugar I'm sorry you felt that way but you had me so worried don't do that again, please?" He said wrapping his arms around me because I was safe with him now well at least temporarily I wish I could never do that again but it looks like this is gonna be way more regular than I'd like.

"I'll try not to" I said leaning into him

"I'll make you feel better, sugar" he said leaning into me also and kissing my lips. Kissing Gerard was the most amazing thing ever I loved him so much and whenever our lips touched it made me so happy and warm I never wanted it to end. "You can sleep on here tonight I'll text Frank to let him know" Gee said whilst playing with my hair.

"I love you, Gerard"

"I love you, y/n"

After a while I fell asleep in his lap.

The next morning I woke up under a blanket on the sofa while Gee slept on the other one as there wasn't enough room for us both on here. I quietly went on my phone when I had a text message the contact wasn't even named it just showed up as a number but I already knew who it was it didn't need to be named for me to tell, it read: 'Hey Y/n meet me in the alley at 11:00am or you know what happens' honestly I was terrified I checked the time and it was 10:00am I had an hour so I decided not to wake Gee up and I left him a note on the coffee table and left quietly after making myself look somewhat presentable. I felt terrible lying to Gee but it's for his safety.

I sat on a wall for half an hour because I couldn't go back to Frank's before as he'd be suspicious of where I was off to. After a while I went to the alley to see the man who I'd only seen in the nighttime I saw him in daylight now but he still had his hood up so I couldn't get a good look at him he saw me and suddenly a grin was plastered over his face "come here, sugar" he smirked knowing full well that's what Gerard calls me.

"What do you want with me?" I asked irritatedly

"Oh I just want you baby" he said wrapping his arms around my waist I tried to push him away "uh uh" he said shaking his head "or your precious Gerard gets it" he says clenching his teeth.

"You're evil you know that?!" I practically spat causing his grin to widen

"Of course I know that darling" he said as he kissed my neck and the next thing I knew he was leaving hickeys all over it. Oh god. How can I explain that one to Gerard?

"Stop it, Gerard will think I'm not loyal or that I don't love him" I said as tears dripped down my cheeks

"You're not, you're allowing this to happen" he laughed

"Because if I don't you'll hurt him or- or worse" I said shaking

"You're gonna really hurt him when he sees that another man's had a go on you" he said without breaking his smile

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