Chapter 22: is there really nothing I can do to make it better?

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Gerard's pov:

That night I spent with Georgia I kissed her properly as if I was kissing y/n telling her sweet things and touching her properly and gently "so pretty" I told her "you know my sugar she wouldn't let me do anything like you do" I said kissing her all over. I was so cross with y/n that I wanted to make her hurt when she found out.

"She's not yours anymore you know" Georgia moaned into me as she sat on my lap with her legs around me cuddling me.

"I know and I think I might sell the apartment" I said I knew it would hurt y/n and she was selfish anyway so why not but I think I'll do it when I'm sober because I was drinking even more now. She giggled at the thought of y/n struggling.

"I love you, doll" I told her.

"I love you, Gerard" she moaned.

The next morning
Y/n's pov:

I haven't seen Gerard since last night when he left I slept on the floor crying all night wanting him back. Thinking of how sorry I was but he didn't come back. I decided to go and find him I went to the dreaded place. Her house. I should've rung Frank but I was in a rush. I got to her place and knocked on the door. She answered she was only in a t-shirt and panties. "H-have you seen Gerard?"

"Of course, he's in my bed" she smirked that's when I noticed she was wearing my Gerard's t-shirt.

"Fuckin' slag" I muttered I think she heard but she ignored me "I want to see him!" I demanded

"He doesn't want you anymore he told me" she laughed. It hurt to hear that but then Gerard came to the door half dressed he didn't have a t-shirt on

"Sugar?" He said confused

"Gerard... please don't tell me this is the end of us" I said trying not to tear up. He shook his head and smiled warmly

"come on I think I have some explaining to do" he said and Georgia looked mortified

"But Gee babe-"

"Look I'll sort this out with you later right now I'm going home to my family" he said to her not even looking back it was actually quite chilly and she was still wearing his
t-shirt but he didn't try and get it back he tried to talk to me on the way home but I didn't respond I'd left our boy at the flat so I wanted to be back as fast as possible.

Once we got back I went to check on s/n and thankfully he was still fast asleep. I went and sat on our sofa with my legs crossed and Gerard sat opposite me in the same position. "Why Gerard? Why did you do it?" I said looking at him with a saddened expression

"Because she told me if I sleep with her whenever she wants she'll get me a job with her dad but it looks like I'm gonna be unemployed again now anyway" he sighed heavily

"why though? Why couldn't you just sign on like any normal person out of work?!" I said raising my voice ever so slightly

He shrugged and thought for a moment "I guess I just have too much pride, and it's a good job the money isn't half bad"

"But when those men marked my skin with those hickeys because of her you went absolutely mental called me a whore and everything!"

"I know and I'm sorry but I guess we're even now"

"Even?! Even?! Mate you've got to be having a laugh. You cheated on me. I was fuckin' assaulted! Cor you've got some nerve!" I yelled as tears flowed from my eyes

"Look I'm sorry. Bad take. I don't love her. I love you if I didn't I wouldn't've come back with you!"

"But Gerard I get what you're tryna say but look at us. Since I've had s/n you've barely seen me, you've been sleeping around! You've barely even spent time with s/n!"

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