Chapter 9: arguement

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The next day me and Gee sat in the kitchen and I made us breakfast and coffee "you know I'm feeling a bit more positive about getting sober now" he said to me rubbing my forearm "I'm so happy for you, Gee" I said smiling "but I can't get clean not properly, not without you" I nodded "so what do you suggest?" I asked curiously "we should live at your place" "no, Gee, my parents hate you and they don't love me either" I sighed "it doesn't matter, sugar, it's clean there" he said leaning closer to me as we were sat opposite each other at the table "I guess you're right, I can maybe try but I did have an argument with my parents the other day and let's just say they're not exactly my biggest fans right now" "it's okay because they don't know about my problem so they won't be able to bully me about it" he said with almost a smile on his face, I didn't have the heart to tell him that my parents knew thanks to me and my big mouth, I just smiled weakly and nodded "y-yeah" "well let's go and ask them" he said finishing off his coffee, we were both already dressed because it was 12:00pm we just laid about all morning "o-okay" he took my hand into his and we left the house.

When we got to my parents I must've looked really nervous because Gee held me around the waist from behind "we don't have to if you don't want" he whispered into my ear "no Gee this is for you so o-of course I want it" I said and then he knocked on the door for me and my 'mother' answered "I'm sorry for the other day" I said "it's not me you should be apologising to it's y' dad" then she walked off and my 'dad' came to the door "have you hit my daughter again?" He snapped at Gerard "he's never hit me" I said quickly but Gee looked hurt "hmm, must've been a different girl who came to the door crying uncontrollably because her way too old, alcoholic, abusive boyfriend tried to hit her"

Gerard's pov:
I couldn't believe it they do know, why didn't she tell me, but what hurt me the most was I know how much she doesn't get on with her parents so I must've really scared her if she came running to them crying about me, I don't blame her but I was pretty annoyed at her for sharing my problems around I started to wonder who else knew. But I kept my hold of her because I love her.

Y/n's pov:
"Gerard's not abusive!" I protested "well why did he try and hit you then?" I shrugged I didn't really know how to respond to that "I was drunk" Gee said sounding disappointed in himself "doesn't excuse it, you raised your fist at my daughter!" "But father of the year over here would never do anything to hurt his daughter" Gerard said standing up for himself "look I may not be the best dad ever, however that's does not give you the right to hurt y/n!" "I didn't mean to" "oh shut up" at this point I wanted to cry but I tried my best to hold the tears back "stop!" I yelled "look dad I'm sorry okay? Please can me and Gerard live here?" He thought for a moment "you see usually I'd say no...however if that protects you from getting hit then I suppose so" wow my dad's actually being...nice?...sort of, well it's nice by his standards.


Me and Gee had finally finished bringing his stuff to my room and we sat on my bed for a chat "so sugar, why did you lie?" "Lie? Lie About what?" "when I said your family didn't know about my problems and you agreed" "I'm sorry Gerard" I said refusing to look him in the eyes "look I can't have you just lying to me" "don't even go there Gerard you've lied to me loads of times!" "Don't be stupid this is different" he said clearly irritated "I didn't tell you because I felt bad and I love you!" "but you knew I was gonna find out anyway!" He snapped. Suddenly my dad was standing in the doorway "you're not hurting her again are ya?" I don't know what his game is but I know it's nothing to do with protecting me he's probably just doing it to bully Gerard "everything's fine" Gee said rolling his eyes but Gee was doing my head in so I decided to grass him up "no it's not he's accusing me of lying but he's just as bad he's always lying to me!" Okay so I might've over exaggerated a little bit but I can't stand him right now "she's lying right now!" "Well you see... y/n you lie with dogs you get fleas and you Gerard stop being a bad influence on her you've ruined my daughter and stop arguing like a couple of kids!" My dad snapped then left the room clearly annoyed by the constant bickering.

"You tell everyone my business don't you, sweetie? You told your parents, you've told Frank who else?!" "Oh do me a favour!" I said rolling my eyes "I don't know why I bother with you, you're useless, I wish I never spoke to you on that day now! Maybe I should go and find my ex!" After hearing those words leave Gerard's lips, I felt my heart shatter he got up to leave the next thing I knew I was standing in front of the door as he tried to leave I was sobbing and begging for him to stay "Gee! Don't go, please? don't go I'll do anything I'm sorry I shouldn't've told them but I was scared!" I shouted and cried his face softened he saw how hurt I was "I'm sorry" he sighed "why would you say that in the first place?" "Because I'm an idiot I'm sorry, sugar, please come here I love you?" He said gently holding his arms out, why was he like this? He'd be rude to me one minute and then the next he'd be sorry. I slowly walked over to him and he pulled me into his arms and I nuzzled into his chest he stroked my back gently "I'm sorry" I said "I'm sorry too I shouldn't've got angry" "I didn't mean to make you hurt, Gee" "I know and I didn't mean to hurt you either" "do you actually want to go back to your ex?" I asked looking up at him through my tear filled eyes "no of course I don't" he said holding me tighter "I only want you" he smiled sadly at me and I leaned upwards and kissed him.

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