Chapter 19: The Return of Gerard

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It was only a matter of weeks until the baby was due and Gee was still in jail I knew there was a small chance he could be out in time but it seemed unlikely. I just wanted it to all be over I knew after the baby was born Marie would probably have to go home as she was getting a bit homesick by now. So was I to be truthful I wanted to go back to London, it weren't great there, we didn't have a lot but it was still my home.

I cuddled Gee's jacket and watched Frank play Xbox he offered me to play but I wasn't really in the mood. He knew how down I was getting, he bought me my favourite ice cream earlier which I was eating now it was dead nice. "Y/n, Gee will be out in a month it's not long now just hold on for a bit" Frank said

"I know but the baby is due in three weeks I just wish my Gerard was here now" I was so upset

"Yeah I know..." Frank sighed, I could tell he was missing Gee as well.

"When the baby's born am I allowed to stay here still?"

"Yeah of course I wouldn't just kick you out" he chuckled

"Thanks Frank you don't even know how much of a life saver you are"

I'd been having contractions all week and Gee was still in jail I knew he'd be sad to miss this as well. I was due to visit him today but I couldn't, the contractions were getting way more frequent and I was scared, Marie was with me she was helping me a lot it was painful I cried because of it and also because Gerard wasn't here. He would know because I had to cancel the visit but I gave them the news to pass onto him.

Marie drove me to the hospital, she could drive because she was nearly a year older than me. We got there and I was in a severe amount of pain. She comforted me in the hospital and I really appreciated it but I just wished it could've been Gerard. I knew he was probably trying to keep it together also which made me even sadder.

I'd finally done it I'd just given birth to a son I was so happy and also sad because Gee couldn't be here it really was making me miserable. It was then that I realised we hadn't discussed any names. I decided to wait for Gee to choose one, I didn't want to make him sad.

A few hours after the birth I lay in the bed with my child in my arms and I received a call from Gerard.

"Hey, Gee" I said weakly

"Oh hey, sugar, have you had the baby?" He asked half sad half excited

"Yeah we've got a little boy" I told him

"You haven't named him yet have you?" He asked panicking a little

"No of course not, not without you"

"I'm being released tomorrow as they had no further 'evidence' to back Georgia up" Gee said happily

"Oh Gerard that's amazing, you will come by tomorrow to take us back?" I asked hopefully

"Of course I will, sweetheart, I can't wait to see you again" he said excitedly

"Gee I can't wait to be back in your arms I hate it without you" I sighed sadly

"I can't wait either, you get a good night sleep, yeah? And I'll come and get you in the morning"

"Oh don't go..."

"I have to or I'll get into trouble" he said sadly

"Okay sorry, love you"

"Love you too" he said before hanging up the phone.

That night I spent alone in a hospital bed I cried myself to sleep because Gerard had missed the birth of his first child and I'm sure he was even more heartbroken but it just made me miss him even more it took me a while to get to sleep though because I was excited for the morning to finally see him.

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