Chapter 32: What a tragic day

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//just to say you will cry

Me and Gee were just so happy being together now we finally managed to get a council house. "Frank me and Gerard were moving in together again next week" I told him happily

"Oh y/n I'm so happy for you both Gerard is a good man"

"I just hope he doesn't cheat...again"

"I'm sure he won't" Frank smiled at me

"I know but he's done it twice already and he's made so many promise to me before that he just broke I am little worried but I love him a lot and I want to spend the rest of my life with him"

"Yeah I get that y/n but I think since the two of you separated he changed his perspective he really does love you look at that ring he saved so much money to get you"

I nodded but I couldn't help feel guilty knowing Gee bought it for me and before he could show me I broke his heart. "I love him I just hope that's enough"

"I'm sure that's more than enough"

"Frank I'm so grateful for you, you give me so much advice when I'm down"

"Look y/n I'm happy that you're happy and that Gee's happy"

Finally it was the day of the move. I was so excited. Me and Gee were driving there in his van. "Sugar, we're gonna be really happy, I promise you, we'll be a family all of us and you never know maybe we'll get s/n back again" he said smiling

"Yeah that would be perfect wouldn't it all of us and then the new baby as well" I said and Gee was about to say something when all of a sudden a massive van pulled out in front of us

"FUCK!" Gerard shouted

But he couldn't stop in time and we went straight into it and then the car behind us couldn't stop in time and smashed into us. We both jolted forward and the windscreen shattered and a large fragment of glass went into Gerard's head. I was shaking and some glass went into my body as well but not my face. I didn't know what to do. I screamed for help. I held Gerard's hand I could see him losing consciousness. I was terrified. "Gerard? Gerard, baby? Gee?" I said seeing if he could still answer me

"Sugar...I love you...please keep on living for me?" he said under his breath

"No Gerard no" I cried so hard and then all of a sudden the ambulance was there and the fire brigade was cutting both me and Gerard out of the van. They rescued me first "no I can wait! Save Gerard! Save my Gerard!" I screamed

"I'm sorry miss but you have more chance of surviving than him so we must prioritise your life" they said calmly whilst cutting me out of the van. "I love him I rather be dead than live without him!" I shouted and I finally got out the van I was in agony I had glass all in me and in pain mentally because Gerard was still in there and I didn't know if he was gonna make it or if he was even still alive. "I love you, Gerard" I sobbed

"Right let's try see if we can get your Gerard out then" the firefighter said to me

I nodded as tears still streamed down my face. Gerard had glass in his face and I couldn't bare to look at him but I had no choice but to watch as they tried to save Gee.

"Right we need to get you both in the ambulance" the firefighter said to the paramedic I was so angry because the other two vehicles the passengers were unharmed and I was here in pain and Gerard he might not've even made it. In the back of the ambulance I sat there holding Gee's hand

"I love you, Gee, I love you so much...and I don't know if you can hear me but I do love you very much and those months we spent apart were so hard for me and that time we spent fighting only for this to take you away from me" I had to stop talking to him because my tears were restricting my voice "you're special to me Gerard like I always tell you...I thought we were gonna be happy and now this..."

When we got to the hospital they separated me and Gee. They took me into a room and ran some tests "I'm so so sorry to tell you this but it appears that your baby didn't make it" the doctor told me sadly. This was the worst day of my life. What a tragic day. Losing my child and maybe my fiancé. "I've some news regarding your partner" she said to me and I sat up a little "he is alive for now but we don't know if he's going to make it"

"Noo can I go and see him?" I cried so hard

"In a few hours after they've ran some more test on him" she said

How sad. Gerard might not even make it. He might be dead by then.

A few hours passed of my crying and sobbing and they finally let me go in and see him. They led me down the hallway to the room he was in. I went in there. He was sat up a little. I ran over to him and he looked as though he'd been crying as well "sugar?" He said to me shakily

"Gee" I sobbed holding his hand

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly

"The baby...we've lost it Gerard, they're no more"

"Ohh I'm so sorry...I'm really sorry I killed them" Gerard wept

"No you didn't don't say that. It was a road accident, Gee, it wasn't your fault"

"I need to talk to you, Sugar"


"I'm most likely going to die...I need you to promise me one thing though" he said to me with a few cracks in his voice

"Anything. Anything Gerard anything at all" I said crying

"I want you to keep on living for me. And I want you to be happy. Really happy. Even without me and if you ever do see s/n again tell him that I love him, tell him who I was, please?"

That made my heart break and his as well I nodded and kissed him "of course I will and if you don't make it I'll never stop speaking of you until my last breath" I told him reassuringly "and I promise you that, no matter how bad it gets I will keep on living for you"

"Sugar, you have the absolute right to say no to this and I don't want you to feel guilty to saying no but do you want to get married in the next few days just in case I-I don't...make it"

I nodded and he kissed my engagement ring "yes I'd love that"

"Also another thing I want you to be please if you ever do meet another person who you love I want you to love them like you love me and I don't want you to forget me but I want you to move on and be happy one day so please I do want you to remarry if it make you happy and if this really is the end"

I held both his hands and we both cried I cried into his chest and he cried over my shoulder "I'm gonna be so alone, Gerard, I don't want you to go"

"I don't want to go either, sugar, but my injuries aren't looking good"

"Just- just as we were about to finally be happy...It's not fair, Gerard, why do you get to die and I get to live"

"I know I know but I want you to live baby I want you to keep on living for me...I don't know what's gonna happen when I'm gone but I want you to remember me"

"I'd never forget you, you're the only person I've ever loved and whoever  loved me...there's a chance you might not die right?" I asked him hopefully

"There's a slim chance I may survive  but it seems unlikely..." he sighed

"Even when you're long gone I'll never stop loving you" I said to him.
He cried more. "I want to sleep beside you tonight" I told him getting into bed beside him and cuddling him he cuddled me also

"You've made me so happy, Sugar, so so happy and I'm sorry for all the times I've hurt you but I really only want the best for you and if I don't make it then I want you to be happy even without me" he sobbed and I nodded just holding onto him knowing that these could very well be some of our last moments together. "I know I always promised you that one day we'll be happy and I'll give you a better life...I'm really sorry I couldn't keep the promise"

"No no Gee no you've always done your best for me and that's all I ever've made me so happy it's just such a shame"

We both drifted off to sleep together sobbing in each others arms.

The next morning the doctor came in "Mr Way I have your results..."

New Beginnings [Gerard Way x Female reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang