Chapter 8: We need to talk about this, Gee

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The next morning Frank lent me some fresh clothes which I was grateful for and he allowed me to take a shower once we were both ready we started to head to Gee's place.

Gerard's pov:
I woke up with the most terrible hangover but somehow all the alcohol couldn't scrub my mind of my behaviour last night. Poor y/n I can't imagine what she must be feeling that's not like me at all I'd never dream of harming her but now I'd lost her trust she'd never believe me. Poor y/n why did I do this to her and myself what if she never lets me see my own child because of this? I just felt so emotional this morning and the hangover wasn't helping. What if I never even see her again? I wouldn't blame her either.

Y/n's pov:
We finally arrived at Gee's house and Mikey let us in we walked down to the basement where Gerard's room is located and I knocked on the door I didn't want to admit it but I was now terrified of Gee after what happen yesterday however I still loved him and I'm still having his child so why wouldn't I come back? "What?" He asked frustratedly "Gee?" I said in a slight shaky voice "is that you, sugar?" His voice suddenly softened sounding a little more hopeful "y-yeah...can I come in?" I asked him "yes" he said eagerly. I opened the door and standing beside me was Frank, Gee looked a little confused but invited us both in anyway, he patted beside him on the bed for me to come over to him but I just stood there he looked sad but he understood "sugar, I'm so sorry for yesterday I shouldn't've done that it was wrong I feel so bad for doing that and that's not how you or anyone in fact should be treated I don't deserve you but I love you I hope you always know that" he said sadly I sighed lightly "I don't know anymore, Gerard" I said with tears threatening to spill, he sat up a bit "sugar, I can't change the past but I want to make sure you have a good future please give me another chance let me try" he said hopefully "I can't exactly erase it from my mind can I? But I guess I can forgive you" I said and I hated myself for this he could quite easily do this again because I was so weak when it came to him "thank you and I'm so so sorry" he said as I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed only just out of his reach "so why did you bring Frank with you, sugar?" "Erm...well I stayed with him last night" I didn't even realise how that sounded until I looked at Gee's expression "no no no nothing like that he slept on the sofa and I kipped in his bed because my parents wouldn't let me in" I said shakily to Gee, scared of what he might do but he didn't do anything he looked to Frank "yeah I came here because I'm worried about you, man" "thanks I guess but I think I'm okay" "no Gee you're really not" I said coming closer to him slightly and Frank sat on the end of Gee's bed
"y/n told me everything, Gee, I don't want to see you go the same way as many other people I've known before you" "I get it" Gee sighed "please Gee, for me, for our family, for your friends and your family, please try and get better?" I practically begged him "I'll try but it's not easy" "you can't keep living like this" Frank told him "I know and I don't want to either it's just so hard for me" he sighed heavily. Gerard went to put his arm around me and I flinched I felt so embarrassed I didn't mean to but he looked so hurt "no sugar no I'm not gonna hurt you I want to hold you" he said with a slight crack in his voice "I'm sorry, Gee, I didn't mean to do that" I said not looking him in the eye "no sugar don't be sorry it's my fault you're scared...can I put my arm around you?" He asked curiously and I nodded.

Frank and Gerard chatted for a bit and they agreed that when Gee got better and our baby was born we'd all go on tour it sounded like a great idea. After a couple of hours Frank said he had to leave but he'd come back tomorrow he then looked at me "it's alright I want to stay here with my Gerard" I told him "any problems you call me" Frank said to me and I nodded, I already had his number because he put it in my phone this morning he smiled at us and left.

Once again it was me and Gee alone together "I'm so sorry for scaring you" he said looking at me "we need to talk about this, Gee" I said firmly "I know" he sighed "you made me so scared Gee, I really thought you were gonna hit me it made me think maybe my parents were right all along" I sobbed "that's hurts to hear you know? But I promise it'll never happen again I want to protect you, I never want to scare you and I really thought that I was going to hit you as well but I'd never dream of it never" he said sadly whilst holding onto me still "please, Gee, promise me you'll never drink like that again?" I said looking into his hazel eyes but he looked away and down shaking his head "I love you a lot, sugar" he said kissing my cheek making me smile he then whispered in my ear "you're so hot" then his hands started to wander all over my body I let out a light moan before realising he never answered my question "stop it" I said taking his hands off of me "sorry" he said rubbing the back of his neck "I know your game, Gee, just please promise me you won't drink like that again" "we don't need to talk about that when you're looking so pretty for me" he smirked "Gee just answer me" I said rolling my eyes "I don't want to lie to you, I've already hurt you enough" he sighed looking away "then promise me you'll try your best to give up" "yeah yeah okay I promise" he finally said, I didn't know if he was being genuine or he just wanted me to shut up but I wrapped my arms around him "can I throw it away now?" I asked looking back at the bottle from last night "come on sugar give it a rest" he said sounding irritated then touching my hair so I just left it, the last thing I wanted was a repeat of last night "sorry" I said and he pulled me closer so my head was on his chest "Gee, I don't mean to make you sad, you know? I only want you to be happy" I said looking up at him "I know it's just it's not easy for me right now and I don't mean to make you feel bad either sweetheart" no matter how 'wrong' being with Gerard was he was the only one who loved me, no one else does it like him I'd be lost without him it just scares me the thought of the alcohol catching up with him one day, I fell asleep in Gerard's arms, where I belong.

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