Chapter 12: death threats

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The next morning I awoke with my arms around Gee and all the memories of last night coming back to me I started to shake again remembering how bad those men hurt me. Gee must've felt it because he woke up "sorry, Gee" I whispered kissing his cheek

"Don't be sorry, sugar, you don't need to be" he said holding my hand and sitting up slightly it wasn't long after that, that Frank woke up.

"You alright, guys?" He said rubbing his eyes

"I guess" I said as I ran my fingers making little patterns on Gerard's chest, but all of a sudden I remembered something the men they'd beaten me badly is my baby even still alive? I wondered as my breathing sped up in a panic both the boys noticed

"what's wrong?" Gee asked

"The might not've made it..." I said shakily and all of a sudden Gee looked worried so did Frank.

"Whatever happens I'll be with you, okay?" He reassured

"Y/n, baby or no baby you can stay here as long as you need" Frank said seriously to me

"Thanks guys, I think I should go up the hospital to check" I said sobbing ever so slightly

"I have to go soon but I'll book you an appointment okay, sugar?" Gee said looking to me and I nodded

After Gerard had gone because he had some things to be doing it was just me and Frank once again we just hung out and had a laugh I loved Frank (as a mate obviously) we got on really well he was like me in many ways. Around 2 hours after Gee left he rang me up on the phone.

"Hello?" I said answering the call

"I can only get an appointment for this evening and you'll have to come to me because I've got an interview today so I won't be able to come and pick you up, is that okay? I can reschedule?"

"No, Gee, it's fine I'll come I'll stay where the street lights are this time" I said confidently but in my mind I was unsure but I had to know if my baby was still alive and right now that was the most important thing to me

"Okay well be at mine for about 5:00pm and be safe"

"I will, Gee, I love you, also I'm glad you're finally focusing on trying to get a job"

"Love you too, sugar and it's just for a back up plan because I really do believe in this band"

"Okay, bye"

"See ya later"

And then I hung up the phone

"Is everything alright?" Frank checked

"Yeah Gee's got me an appointment for later but it means I'll have to go to his in the dark"

"I would offer to take you but I'm meeting Ray later, you sure you'll be alright?" Frank said sounding genuine

"Yeah I'll just stay on the path" I reassured him


Finally it was time for me to go and see Gee I put my shoes and coat on and said goodbye to Frank then I began to walk to Gee's I was a bit wary at first but I put my headphones in and listened to my playlist. I turned my headphones downs after seeing someone out of the corner of my eye the next thing I knew someone grabbed me by my sleeve and pulled me into an alley way. Oh not again. I don't even have any money this time. They all crowded around me as if I was something interesting to look at.

"So y/n" one of them finally said. They looked as if they were the same guys from the day before but how the fuck did they know my name?

"W-what?" I said shakily

"You're mine now" another one said, I shook my head

"Leave me alone" I said letting out a sob

"Or what?" A few of them said in sync, there was six of them in total and they were all very threatening and intimidating.

"Please leave me alone? My Gerard's waiting for me" I said as tears streamed from my eyes

"Oh we know all about this Gerard we even know where he lives" the tallest one said

" can you?" I asked I was really worried at this point

"We know where you live also, with another guy bit slutty of you don't you think?" He said raising an eyebrow. No how could he know that?

"It's not like that how do you know all this?" I asked quickly

"We know people and I tell you what your Gerard won't be harmed in the near future if you come with us" he smirked

"And if I don't?" I asked nervously

"Then let's just say we'll have you anyway but he'll be dead"

"No don't do this" I begged

"Well then you'll have to come with us then" he said menacingly

I reluctantly cooperated with them the last thing I wanted was Gee to be hurt, two of them grabbed me by the wrists to make sure I didn't run away I was terrified. Tears flowing out my eyes and my body shaking with fear.

"I want my Gerard" I said through my tears

"Ha aww poor baby wants her Gerard, what a shame you're mine now" the one holding my left wrist chuckled

I took a risky move and I screamed but nobody could hear me anyway.
"Well that wasn't very smart was it, doll?" He purred in my ear

"You give me your phone and I'll put my number in it and every time I want you, you respond, you come and see me, you do as you're told otherwise your Gerard will succumb to a sticky end" I shakily handed over my phone to him. "Password?" He said as it was locked. I went to take my phone from his hand to put it in but he gripped tighter "password?!" He shouted even more aggressively and I gave him the passcode. "Ooh look a text form Gee" he smirked.

"No! Let me text him" I begged

"It says hmm wait let me see what it says" he said looking at the small text on my screen "'Sugar, is everything okay? Where are you?' Oh there's loads 'I'm worried please ring me when you get this' 'are you running late?' 'Is Frank with you?' I could go on for hours there's ten missed calls." I teared up again at the thought of Gee sitting in his house panicking, worrying about me and I was helpless. "Anyway enough of him let me put my number in here" he said tapping in his digits and then shoving the phone back in my hand. "You tell anyone especially, Gerard and he'll pay with his life, you block me and I'll kill him" he said threateningly I nodded. "No you go and I'll text you tomorrow, baby" he smirked and honestly this man made me want to be sick. Then I stumbled out of the alley way. How was I supposed to explain this to Gerard, I couldn't.

I phoned Gee up and he answered immediately "Sugar!" He shouted letting out a sigh of relief.


"What happened I've been worried sick?"

"I...I uh got- I got...lost" I lied but he wasn't convinced

"You've been here enough times what really happened?" He said as if he didn't believe, which I don't blame him it was a bad lie.

"No I got lost I went the wrong way" I said almost crying again

"Sugar, stop lying what's up? You've missed the appointment now anyway also if you were lost then why didn't you phone me?" He was highly suspicious of me now and I was dying to tell him but I couldn't

"Look, Gee, I love you"

"I love you too, sugar, I think you better come round mine, hmm? I think you might have some explaining to do"

"I'd love to Gee but another time I should go back to Frank's"

"Don't be silly come to mine"

"Alright fine I'll be there in five" oh god what would he think I can't tell him anything otherwise those guys will kill him.

I walked down the street and then I got to his front door I reluctantly knocked on it and Gee answered it he immediately noticed I wasn't okay and let me in we both went and sat in his living room to talk it out...

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