Chapter 6: Poor Gerard

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//some of this chapter contains smut towards the end
Also be aware this chapter is very very long

It'd been a while since I'd last seen Gee he promised me he'd come and see me again soon, after my mum dragged me away from him that afternoon but it had been about two weeks now since I'd seen him last I hadn't even seen him out my window or anything and I'd check pretty often he could've be grounded again I thought but it seemed unlikely he had my phone number he hadn't texted me I texted him a couple of times asking if he was okay but no response I guess he must've moved on maybe he's got someone else but whatever it is he was more occupied with that than me.

I hadn't been to school in the last couple of weeks because my parents were in another state for more meetings and also I just felt so low without Gee and lately I'd been throwing up in the mornings I felt so helpless, so stupid, how could he do this to me and then leave without saying a word to me? It was now approaching three weeks since Gee had gone awol. I sobbed every night and looking at that jacket he gave me the morning after I met him I just didn't want to touch it or even look at it, it made me feel so down. I gave him everything, I told him I loved him, I'm having his baby, but he still left me with no explanation I thought he loved me but I guess not.

I heard a knock at the door I knew it wouldn't be Gee like it was last time and I was absolutely right it wasn't Gerard at my door even though I'd secretly got my hopes up I knew it wasn't gonna be him and it just hurt that little bit more it was Mikey. How pathetic he'd got his younger brother to break the news he didn't love me. "Err y/n" he said awkwardly "oh does, Gee- um I mean Gerard, want his jacket back" I said refusing to look him in the eyes and turning to fetch it sadly "no no no y/n you've got it all wrong" He said "what then?" I sighed agitatedly because everything reminded me of Gerard and his brother standing on my doorstep wasn't helpful "it's about Gee well-" "I get it he doesn't like me anymore" I said on the verge of tears "no no no Y/n he's sick!" He said "oh my god I'm so sorry Mikey I didn't know" "I gathered that I thought you knew I came to ask if you'd spoken to him" I shook my head "no I haven't seen him in nearly three weeks I thought- I thought he'd just left me without saying anything...anyway enough about me is he okay? Is he hurt? What's wrong with him?" I said frantically "shh shh calm down he's not okay but I want you to come and see him it might make him feel a little's the alcohol you see-" I felt my heart break a bit I felt so sorry for him I should've gone to see him but I hadn't exactly been very well myself. After all he had been ignoring my messages. I quickly squeezed my shoes on and Mikey explained to me what happened to Gee how he'd slipped back into his old ways he thought he could handle alcohol now but he was in fact an alcoholic I wanted to cry for him but I held it together Mikey lead me into their house and told me to go and see Gee so I did.

I went down the stairs to the basement and knocked on the door gently "Gee?" I called out "go away!" He shouted aggressively "it's me, Gerard, it's y/n" I said sadly "oh, Sugar, don't come in you don't want to see me, not like this" he said sounding exhausted "please Gee please can I come in I want to see you?" "You don't want to see me like this, sugar" he repeated "no Gee I want to see you" I pleaded with him and in the end he reluctantly gave me permission to come in.

I opened the door he was a mess. Poor Gee. His hair was all greasy, the room smelt bad his sheets looked like they hadn't been changed in weeks and I'm pretty sure they were the same as when I stayed over with him weeks ago. He was just sitting up in his bed, there were beer cans and bottles everywhere I even saw some white powder on the floor I didn't ask what it was because I feared the answer too much. I lifted up the covers and got into his bed beside him and moved his hair out his face then I cuddled up to him he looked surprised he was all sweaty and so was his bed he didn't smell great but I wasn't complaining I just wanted to be with him, I wanted him to feel better, I wanted to cry but I didn't I had to be strong for him. "You don't have to do this you know?" He told me moving away slightly "I still love you though" he said cracking a bit of a smile "I know Gee but I want to do this and I love you too" I told him snuggling up to him and pecking him on the cheek I let him relax a bit and get used to me being there before I started asking him questions.

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