Chapter 3: I'm so so sorry

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I woke up with no clothes on with my head laying on Gee's chest he didn't have a shirt on either and I didn't remember what happened but my body ached and I was nude so it wasn't looking good for me he was still sleeping and I had a pounding headache then I saw his eyes flicker open "mornin' y/n" he smirked "um...hi Gee" I said to him "did you like last night?" He said still smirking I desperately tried to remember what happened the last thing I remember was saying I'd have one drink but that was clear to me now that that was a lie. "You were so good for me last night" he said in a raspy voice "Gee?" I said, my voice shaking "I don't remember last night I was drunk" I said trying to keep it together "oh sugar" he said sympathetically pulling me close to him "I'm so sorry I didn't think you were that drunk" he said defensively "you took advantage didn't you, you knew what you was doing" I said still holding back tears "no no I'm sorry I didn't realise" he said softly I just sighed I didn't know what to believe but I knew that I still liked him "Gee I was a virgin" I told him "I'm so sorry I'm so so sorry" he said sadly looking at me but I still held onto him "can I have some clothes?" I asked him embarrassedly he ran upstairs and gave me one of Franks hoodies and some joggers I quickly slipped them on and he put my old ripped clothes into a bag and handed them to me "we should get you home" he said to me and with that he left a note for the others saying we'd left and took my hand as we headed out of Franks house.

As we walked down the cold street at 7:00am I shivered and he noticed and handed me his jacket "no Gee I'm fine you'll be cold" but he insisted I took it so I did and when we arrived at my house there was no way I'd be able to climb back in the window so I had to knock "Good luck" Gee whispered to me and kissed my cheek then all of a sudden my dad was standing at the door "where the fuck have you been?!" He yelled pretty loudly probably waking up the whole street "you went with that boy didn't you?!" He yelled once again seeing Gee standing behind me "you stay away from my daughter or they'll be trouble!" He shouted at Gee "no Gee I wanna see you again" I said looking to him and he nodded "you won't be out seeing him again that's for sure missy now come in!" He commanded I looked behind at Gee and he blew me a kiss I blew him one back then I just pushed passed my very angry father.

It's been two days since I last saw Gee I was actually missing him even though technically I'd only known him for a day I wondered if I was just a one night stand to him I thought about how I didn't even remember sleeping with him then I suddenly thought of something. Oh god. I might be pregnant. I had to know. That played on my mind all day so when my family went out to the shops I decided to go out quickly I ran to the nearest shop that I knew of, that I knew my parents wouldn't be near and I bought two pregnancy tests just to be sure and cor they're way more expensive than I thought. I was skint now after that purchase, but I kept my fingers crossed hoping for it not to be true. I rushed home and took the tests and waited and sure enough my suspicions were correct I was in fact pregnant and it was Gerard's.

I didn't know what to do I just ran to my room and cried I didn't know whether to go and find him or what but I didn't have to because the doorbell rung I dried my tears quickly in case it was my parents, but no, standing on my doorstep was Gerard he gave me a hug and pulled me into his chest "why do you look so upset?" He asked I was scared to tell him what would he do? how would he react? "I like you a lot you know even if your family hate me" he told me "Gee..." I said and then went silent for a bit "what is it?" He asked nervously "I'm pregnant" I said calmly before breaking down into tears "and it's yours" I said holding onto him as if he'd leave me "oh my God I'm so sorry I'm so sorry baby" he said holding me tighter "and you're sure?" He said double checking "yeah I took two's all your fault life's ruined" I sobbed into him "you'll be okay, I'll keep you safe I'm not gonna leave you" he said softly "I can't get rid of it my family are against that and I can't afford to have a kid" I said crying vigorously into Gerard "you gonna tell your parents?" He asked "I'll have to what other choice is there?" I said and he pulled me away from him and kissed my face carefully "I'm sorry I did this to you, sugar, I'll keep you safe I'd never walk away and I'll keep our child safe when they're born" I couldn't believe I was actually pregnant and it was Gee's I'd only known him for a few days "I'm so sorry for this sweetheart I really am" he said to me and I sighed "it's okay Gee as long as you stay by my side that's all I care about" "thank you sugar also I understand if you don't like me as much as I like you even if you don't ever want to love me I'll still protect you and our child" he said sadly "no Gee I like you a lot I want to hate you but I don't" I told him wrapping my arms around his neck "when are you gonna tell your parents?" He asked I thought for a moment "when they get back I guess you know get it over with" then right after I said that I saw my parents car pull up into the driveway and they got out along with my brother Tom but he went inside the house to play on the Xbox but the second my dad saw Gee he did not look happy.

"What did I tell ya?!" My dad shouted at Gerard but he didn't seem to care he pulled me closer to him and I held on tighter to him "he's not going anywhere?" I said firmly "what do you want from her?" My mum questioned Gee "I don't want anything from her I just want to be with her" he said calmly "Gee I'm gonna tell them so I think you should go" I whispered to him and with that he kissed me on the cheek and left "stay away you vile boy!" My dad yelled as he left when Gerard was out of sight I decided to tell my parents "um...guys I'm sorta...well no I am...I'm pregnant" I said trying not to cry it was at times like this that I just wanted Gee to hold me and tell me everything'll be alright but I knew he couldn't be here because my father would probably murder him "what?!" He yelled "I told you didn't I he only wanted you for one thing!" My mum shouted but I shook my head "no it's not like that" "if he's done it to you after not even a day of knowing you then you're probably not the only one!" "No he's not like that!" I shouted back at them "look I'm sorry" I sighed "he'll be the one who'll be sorry!" He shouted I ran up to my room and cried on my bed maybe my dad was right. What if Gee does this all the time? what if I never see him again? I thought all of these terrible scenarios in my head as I cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up the following morning I spoke to my best mate on the phone about what happened she said she'd support me which I knew she would but I could tell she felt sorry for me.

I decided I'd go and see Gee I knew where he lives because it's literally across from me I just I hoped that he wanted to see me. I chucked my shoes on and put the jacket on that he gave me and I knocked on his door and it was answered by Mikey "Gee! There's someone here to see ya!" He shouted up the stairs Gerard ran down the stairs looking confused but then he saw me and let me in and Mikey went back to doing whatever it was he doing, Gee opened his arms for a hug and I walked over to him and cuddled him he then let go of me and we went inside his house he went and sat on the sofa with me sitting on his lap and laying on his chest "I'm sorry for doing this to you" he said apologising for the a millionth time "no Gee it was my fault also" "no it wasn't I should've known better you were way more drunk than I thought" he said playing with my hair lightly. I began to grow tired and I just rested on Gee half asleep he didn't mind though he just rubbed my back to keep me comfortable "shhh shhh" he said just making quiet sounds to help me relax I felt so safe in his arms it was the first time I ever felt happy since I'd been here I wasn't properly asleep but I think Gee though I was he leant down and kissed the top of my head "so pretty" he muttered under his breath then someone came in the room "you really like her don't you?" I could tell by his voice it was Mikey "yeah I do" he said happily "did you like her in the band the other day?" Gee asked "yeah I do I thought she was pretty good" "me too" Gee said I could tell he was smiling even without looking at him from the tone of his voice. I cuddled up to him tighter and he noticed I was awake I looked up at him and he brushed my hair out of my face "come on we've been here a while we should get you home" he said to me kissing my forehead I looked up and it was dark by now I must've accidentally fallen asleep at some point then "I don't wanna go home Gee" "it's okay sugar I'll take you" "alright fine" I said putting my- well Gee's jacket on "you look good in my Jacket you know" he said kissing my cheeks I just took his hand and we went back to mine.

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