(51) Number Plates

513 18 3

Jenkin and Arabella were stood in the mainland office. Jenkin was anxiously shuffling through files while Arabella was messaging Damon. "And you've got everything?"

"Yes, Jenkz, I have everything." Arabella repeated for what felt like that millionth time.

"Right, well Jackson-"

Just as if he had heard his name, Jackson entered Jenkin's father's office, looking very professional in his suit. "Camera is all clear, so is the mic."

"Thank you." Arabella shot a quick smile before checking her bag over one more time.

"How're you getting there again?" Jackson took a seat on the couch, relaxing into the soft material.

"I'm taking my skateboard to the field behind that old hotel, then he's going to pick me up in his car there." She explained quickly.

Jenkin grabbed Ari's coat from the wrack and held it out for her to slip her arms into. "Once again, I can't help but think this is too risky."

"Oh for goodness sake, you start again and I'll jam that bloody pencil in your leg." Ari span round, glaring at her big brother, left arm outstretched and pointing at the red pencil on her father's desk.

"By the sounds of it, she's safe." Jackson laughed loudly as he stood to his feet, wrapping his arm around Ari's shoulder. "You'll be just fine, won't you?"

She smiled. "Of course."

"Okay, Dolly. But the moment you feel overwhelmed or like you can't do it then we get you out and it's over, okay?" Jenkin bent down slightly so he was eye level to his little sister as he spoke. He fiddled with her long, black leather coat to make sure she looked all neat and tidy. "And this won't catch when you're on your skateboard?"

"Is it down to my feet?" She asked simply.

"No, it's-"

"Exactly. You worry to much, Jay." She cut him off. Then she finally wrapped her arms around him, taking Jenkin off guard. "I love you, and I'll be back tonight. I'll be great, you'll see."

Jenkin wrapped his arms around the girl tight. "I only worry because I love you." He reminds.

"I know." She nodded then stepped away. "Anyway, I best be going or he'll be wondering where I am. I have one request first."

Jackson opened his mouth once he realised Arabella was speaking to him and not his boyfriend. "And that is?"

"Please turn your microphone off when you talk to each other. If I hear you two talking all the time my head will explode." She grabbed her small black backpack and board from the counter after mimicking the motions of her head exploding with her hands and headed to the door.

Jackson nodded. He understood completely actually, he could be rather annoying, just like his brother in law. "I'm going to head to Cole's office. I wanna see if she falls off that bored of hers."

Bella stuck her tongue out in retaliation to his words.

As she opened the door her brother began talking to Jackson. "I'll be there in a bit. I need to finish a couple of things first." Then she heard a smooch noise at the end of his sentence teasing her back into the room with a large smile.

"What?" Jenkin squinted his eyes.

"Nothing." She gleamed happily.

"Just go!" He pushed her and his boyfriend out of the room, closing the door behind them and breaking a smile which soon turned into a delightful laughter.

Arabella reached the field in record time. She picked up her board and steppers through the hole in the fence so she could find Damon's car which she presumed would be out in the open.

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