(3) Little Boy

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Kimberly and Robert were seated in their little office on the island. They shared an office, but didn't mind at all.

It hadn't been extremely busy for Robert as it was before, but they were still making a good amount of money. Kimberly was filling in some numbers in a computer while eating some cookies from a pack, and Robert was reading through some papers.

Arabella and Jenkin had been in Arabella's room for a long time so the parents told them if they needed anything they know where they'd be. Kimberly felt secure leaving her kids alone at their house on the island, they knew and trusted everyone there. Kimberly loved the feeling of safety she had surrounding her children.

Then Arabella came busting through the office door, Jenkin following behind, holding a laptop in his hand. "Mother, Father, I have a position-"

"Proposition." Jenkin corrected as he took a seat on a small black couch in the office, linking the laptop up to the tv that was also positioned in the office.

Arabella stood in front of the television facing her two parents who were sat near each other, her hands clasped together in a formal manner that had been rehearsed with her older brother.

Kimberly looked to her husband then back to her daughter before Robert spoke with a nod of his head. "Proceed."

"Ready?" Arabella whispered to Jenkin to which he nodded.

"Well, as you both know I am nine." Ari began as Jenkin clicked to the first slide which showed basic information along with a picture of Bella. "But I am a smart nine year old, we can all agree I'm sure." She smiled, showcasing her pearly white teeth.

"Of course." Kim nodded.

"I also believe I am cap- capa-"

"Capable." Jenkin helped with a whisper and a smile.

Arabella nodded in appreciation before beginning her sentence again. "I also believe I am capable of looking after things."

"Where's this going?" Robert squinted his eyes in suspicion.

"Well, Papa, I would like a pet." Bella's face was stiff, professional — just as her brother had taught her.

"Oh really?" Kimberly smiled and chucked a little in amusement.

"Yes. But I do know that it also affects you too, so I'm willing to give options." Arabella bit the inside of her lip, trying her hardest to remember the presentation her brother and herself had worked on. "I would like a puppy, but I understand they're hard to look after for a first pet, so I was thinking about guinea pigs." Jenkin changed the slide to show both animals on the screen.

"Guinea pigs? Multiple?" Robert questioned with a raised brow.

"Well yes father, guinea pigs like friends and they need them or they get ill and upset." Ari spoke as a-matter-of-factly making Kimberly let out a small laugh and smile while Jenkin smiled at his little sister for remembering the mannerisms he taught her.

"She's right." Kimberly nodded. "If she gets a guinea pig she needs two."

"But wait, to help you come up with a decision I thought of some pro's and cons for you." Then Jenkin switched the presentation to the 'pros' page.

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