(39) Sick

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"Chocolate?" Savannah pushed a box of chocolates in her husbands face.

Cole stole a chocolate and popped it into his mouth. The Christmas festivities had gone in for a few hours, drinks shared, music playing. A few cars caked had been played around the table, Kimberly lost at pickup two and threw her cards, accidentally hitting her daughter in the face. "What is it with you and hitting me today?!" Her daughter screeched in retaliation.

Kim's face grew bright red in shame. "I'm sorry, baby." She bit her lip and nervously laughed.

After that bored games such as monopoly and trivial pursuit were played, Elijah winning both. Each game had a twist, if you had to pay someone money in monopoly you had to take a shot, whereas if you answer the question wrong in trivial pursuit you would then take a shot.

Arabella had drunken more than she could handle and was sipping a glass of water and nibbling on a piece of bread on attempts of sobering up. A bucket on the floor next to her for extra precautions.

Isabella had fallen asleep with her head in her father's lap, Mason half asleep with her head on Ricky's shoulder.

Kimberly had her back against Robert's chest, she was pulling the beard baubles out of Robert's beard — she had bugged him into wearing them earlier on in the night — and started clipping them to Cole's leg hairs.

Ethan was resting up against the armchair Arabella was cuddles up in, the blanket Ethan had out over her and then ended up giving her after their shopping trip once again over her body. He sleepily scrolled through the many photos of the night, laughing to himself at one where Jackson laid a kiss on Jenkin's lips in excitement from winning the game of bear pong. The next photo after of Jackson's face one he realised what he had just done.

Elijah was copying Savannah in eating a ton of leftover chocolates, his feet kicked up on the coffee table, besides his feet Jackson and Jenkin were having a game of guess who, both drunkenly giggling at the silly looking characters.

"What time is it?" Mason spoke up, tiredness glossing over her eyes.

Cole checked his watch, then answered the girl. "One in the morning."

"Should we head to bed?" Mason looked to her husband.

Ricky ran a hand through his daughter's hair then nodded. "Izzy." He whispered.

"Don't wake her." Mason shook her head.

"I'm not carrying her." Ricky shook his head quickly.

"Ah! Kim! Pulling our leg hairs." Cole interrupted the conversation with a loud yelp.

"It was in the wrong place." Kim pouted then continued to place the baubles on his leg hairs.

Mason stood to her feet, choosing to ignore the oddness of Cole and Kim, and lifted her step-daughter into her arms. "You seem to forget I was his body guard for years. You don't just lose the strength." She gestured her head to Jenkin.

"Goodnight all." Ricky smiled.

"Goodnight." Everyone replied.

There was a room ready for Ricky and Mason, and another ready for their daughter. Due to the moving on the mainland, when they were late at the island they'd just crash in the same rooms each time.

"I think-" Arabella cut herself off by being sick into a grey bucket.

Ethan quickly moved so he wounding get Mike do it on him, but then reach to pull her hair back from her face and rub her back.

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