(27) Test Two

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"Cookie?" Kimberly offered her husband. He happily took a cookie from the packet and began to chew down on it.

Robert was showing Jenkin some of the workers, showing him what type of jobs get done and the head of each department. They were in the island office, Kimberly also accompanying them, but she was working on something different.

"Do you want to come down to the mail room with me, Jay?" Kimberly questioned her son.

"Sure." Jenkin nodded.

"I'll come down with you." Robert stood from his seat and helped to gather the papers that needed to be mailed.

The three were dressed in business attire, the two men wearing their work suits white Kimberly wore a white blouse, straight fit black trousers and a black blazer thrown over her shoulders accompanied by a pair of white pumps.

"Why do you need so many letters sent out?" Jenkin questioned as he picked up a box which held a ton of envelopes.

"We need the island residents to read through something, and confirm that their needs are being fulfilled. Water, food, that sort of stuff." Kimberly clarified before leaving her office, her son following and husband holding open the door, each of them having a small box filled with envelopes.

"Why can't you just use email?" Jenkin asked another question.

"We don't need anyone outside of the island seeing this. If someone read it, it would be obvious that we live on an island. No one needs to know that except the people who actually live here." Robert Answered this time as he ushered his family into the elevator which was filled with a few other workers.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Mitchell." George Cross nodded towards Robert.

"Afternoon, Cross." Robert nodded back.

The elevator didn't take long to reach the bottom floor due to the office itself only being three floors itself, a huge reduction from the main office back at the mainland.

"Have a good day, Mr. Cross." Kimberly smiled as they stepped out, George nodding his head and returning the smile.

The three made their way over to the mailroom and dropped off the letters to be posted before they made their way to the building exit. "Jackson has everything pretty much sorted in his home." Jenkin spoke just as they walked out of the doors.

Kimberly smiled. "Well that's good, I hope-" The woman was interrupted by her daughter flying past on a skateboard.

"Papa, I have an idea." She smiled and halted to a stop.

"There's a few people on this island that skateboard, right?" Robert listen to his daughter and nodded for her to continue. "We have nowhere to skate, so on request from myself and everyone else who skates on this island, may we please have a skatepark?"

"I'm not sure we have-"

Kim swatted Roberts arm. "Shush. There's space and there's enough builders. There's no excuse, give her a skatepark."

"I'm not handing her a skatepark just because she wants one." Robert shook his head.

"But it's not just for me. It's for the island, please, Pa." Ari pouted.

Jenkin slowly began to nod his head. "I think it's a good idea personality."

"See! Even Jay agrees." Arabella gestured her hand towards her brother to persuade her father to agree.

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