2: Can I Call You Tonight?

807 15 32

Karl Jacobs


It's finally the last day of school for a while. After waking up and still wearing Sapnaps sweater I was hoping that it'd be a good day, but now i'm sitting in English watching Harmony and Sapnap be all over each other. I should've kept the sweater on, maybe today being bad is karma for taking the sweater off. This is the last class of the day, I successfully kept them away from each other for a while but now they're sitting here flirting with each other while i'm right next to them. That jealous feeling I had the other day has evolved into something even bigger, I can't even look at Harmony without imagining screaming in her face for being so close to him. He tried introducing me to her and I just politely waved, which isn't odd for me to do, i'm a shy person and Sapnap knows this. I wish I could show how much I dislike her, but I know it'd hurt his feelings.

"Karl, are you doing anything tonight?" I turn to Sapnap and softly shake my head, silently hoping that he remembers our plans to re-build our Minecraft city and find his dog Alfred. "Do you want to come to Lolas tonight?"

"No, i'm good" I look away as I begin to feel a wave of sadness coming through. A wave that'll stick around all night as I am constantly reminded of my only friend forgetting our plans and going to some gir-

"Yea, i'll hang out with you some other time" my head snaps to them in shock, not believing that Sapnap just rejected the offer of hanging out with Harmony.

"Aw Nick, I really wanted you to come" Harmony fakes a pout, an adorable pout. I can't believe i'm allowing myself to get jealous of a pout. 

"Sorry Har, I just feel like staying home tonight and chill with Karl" he shrugs.

"Sapnap" he turns to me. "You can go, we don't have to do anything" he opens his mouth to say something but he's cut off by the annoying but perfect sound of Harmony.

"Sapnap? What kind of nickname is that?" she holds back laughter and any bit of confidence I just had to even speak in front of her is now shattered.

"It's my name when we play games, Karl just calls me that" Sapnap smiles and I try hard to not allow my cheeks to heat up.

The bell rings and we all get up without saying another word, meaning the final decision Sapnap made was to stay home and play games with me. I look down at the ground as I walk out with a massive grin on my face. My cheeks are warm and those butterflies have made a noticeable return. Sapnap and I walk down the corridor, hearing all the excited shouts leaving other students mouths now that Christmas break is finally here. Everyone around us has real plans, plans to go away with friends or family, plans to go to parties and be normal teenagers, while i'm going to be sitting at home all break playing games with my best friend who probably does have many more chances to go out with other people and enjoy his time as a teenager. Sometimes I really do believe that I stop Sapnap from enjoying his teen years because i'm clingy and always want to hang out with him.

"Sapnap!" my blood boils within seconds as I turn to see Harmony running up to him. 

"Harmony!" he nervously chuckles. "That's not really a nam-"

"I forgot to give you this" she passes him a piece of paper with her number written on it and I avoid eye contact with both of them, scared of what I could say now that i'm actually angry at her and not just jealous. "I'll see you tomorrow Sapnap" she kisses his cheek and the anger fades to some kind of sadness. She walks away and I look at Sapnap who is staring down at the paper, his cheeks a bright shade of red. My heart sinks, the green shadows lurk behind me as I stare at him silently wishing that the blush on his cheeks were caused by me and not her. 

No, no, I don't wish that. I can't wish that. He's my best frie-

"Karl?" I look up and see him down the steps already, patiently waiting for me to join him.

"Sorry" I mumble.

We seperate as we go to our own cars, the drive home I only listen to that dumb song he showed me the other day. I don't understand what's happening to me, Sapnap is my best friend and he's always going to be my best friend. I have to stop whatever these feelings are, I refuse to believe these feelings are anything other then being upset that his attention isn't on me anymore.

As I walk inside I hear the familiar sounds of shouting coming from my parents room, I ignore them and make my way upstairs to my room. The shouting gets quieter as I shut my door, I subconsciously take my sweater off and grab the Nike sweater that's folded neatly sitting on my pillow. I slip it on and instantly feel better as i'm surrounded by the scent of the only person that seems to keep me happy these days. I sit down at my table waiting for my computer to warm up, Discord, Spotify and Steam all flash open on my screen. I look at my Discord notifications just to see that Sapnap sent me a link to a shader he's been using on our world lately. I look at his icon to see a small grey circle instead of a green dot, I sigh as I just go onto our shared world by myself.

After hours of re-building our city on my own I look over to my window to see the dim street lights showing the small drops of rain falling from the sky, I get up to shut my curtains and switch my fairy lights on. I stay still to listen to the sounds downstairs and all I hear is my dad threatening to leave again. I sit back down and put my headset back on to listen to whatever song is now playing on the game. But I instead hear dogs bark, I turn to find Alfred standing next to a crouching Sapnap. 

"When did you get on?" I ask as I join a call with him, a smile creeping onto my face.

"I just got on, I had to drop Elaine off at her friends house but she was taking forever to get ready" he hits me in game and I look back at him. "Meet your new cat Sully".

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