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When we get to Bakugou's apartment, he quickly goes to the kitchen and starts making food. I sit down at the table and watch him cook. It's relaxing and something I've grown used to over time. It's something I could see us doing in the future. I smiled. And at that exact moment he looked over at me.

"What are you smiling about?" Bakugou asked.

"Just you and me. You make me happy most of the time." I replied.

"Tch. Only most?"

"You know why that is. Sorry to bring it up. Let's just drop it."


He finishes cooking and I'm thinking about my conversation with Tsu earlier. Have we finally gotten over this whole Deku thing? Or was he just saying what I wanted to hear? That worried me. But for now things were fine. I'd take that.

"What's up? You're all spaced out?" Bakugou asked placing a plate of food in front of me.

"Ah I had an unexpected phone call today from my friend Tsu. I was just thinking about that." I replied and started digging into the food in front of me.

"Why haven't I heard about her before?"

"We don't really talk about our other friends much Bakugou. I mean to be honest, you guys are pretty much my closest friends. But Tsu is away at college and we don't get to talk much. I don't want to bother her with things, you know?"

"Tch. I mean we are great, but we're also at college and you don't have any trouble talking to us." He stated.

"That's true, but you're also close by and to be fair, she's in school for Marine Biology, it's a ton of extra studying."

"Okay, we study a lot though, but we also have the time for a life, I guess because of the band. We're used to the late nights by now. I guess talking about shit is harder when you're not always around."

"I'm sure you know that first hand. With your parents always traveling."


"Anyway, she was telling me about school and this new guy she's dating. I told her when she's home I'd love her to meet you guys. She's a very blunt person, but in the best possible way."

"Sounds nice. I'll take that over mumbling idiot any day."

And there it is a jab at Deku. Will he ever get over whatever it is?  I wondered. But didn't say anything. I just smiled. It was like he was testing me. I wouldn't back down. I know my own feelings and I want him to realize that.

After we finished eating it was pretty late. "Wanna stay here tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah sure. I've got work early, so I'll probably be leaving before you get up. But that's not a problem. I have extra stuff in my bag." I replied.

"Smart. You know, you can stay over more often right? If you want to, I mean."

"I'd like that." I said smiling.

He smiled back and we headed to his room. I stole a t-shirt from him to sleep in and we curled up in bed. Unfortunately, my mind decided it wasn't going to shut off so I wrote some lyrics down in my phone.

By the time I was done, he was already asleep. I made sure my alarm was set so I could get up in the morning and then put down my phone. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Sleeping next to Bakugou was nice. A form of intimacy without sex. I'd stayed over a few times before, but this was the first time it felt planned. Sure I packed extra clothes with me in case so I didn't need to borrow things from Mina, but it wasn't usually expected. And now it could be.

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