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My House by Pvris

When I arrived at the apartment, I knocked on the door a few times before someone appeared. It was a shirtless Bakugou.

"What're you doing here Cheeks?" He asked. I was suddenly reminded of how attractive he was. I was definitely staring and to prove that point further, he tapped his foot impatiently.

Coming out of my daze, I respondes, "Mina told me to meet you guys here."

"Seriously? She's not even fucking here." He rakes his hand down his face in annoyance. "Come in. I'll be ready in a few. Sit wherever." He waved me off as I entered the apartment.

"Okay. I'll just wait here then." I sat on the couch, pulled out my phone, and texted Mina.

Uraraka: I got here and you're not even here?! 😡

Mina: Sorry! Something came up. Forgive me? 🙏

Uraraka: Fine! But only because I like your apartment way better than my own.

Mina: Aww thanks!

Uraraka: Where are you anyway?

Mina: With Kiri...

Uraraka: 😏 Oh really?

Mina: Yes. He needed my help with an emergency.

Uraraka: Everything okay?

Mina: Yeah. It was a school thing. It's fine now.

Uraraka: Good then. See you soon!

"Oi, you ready?" Bakugou asks.

"Yes." I say putting my phone away.

Bakugou and I walk in comfortable silence on our way to the rehearsal space.

"Hey Bakugou?" I ask turning and walking backwards.


"Why do we never get kicked out of this space? I'm just wondering. I don't ever remember us having a time slot or anything."

"It belongs to my parents. It's a warehouse they rarely ever use."

"Oh. Wow that's really nice of them to let us use it. Remind me sometime and I'll make them something as a thank you."

"Tch. No need Cheeks. They don't care." A lonely look crossed his face and then was gone in an instant, replaced with his usual scowl.

"Oh. Well then, I'll just have to thank you. Let me treat you to something later."

"No. You're pinching pennies whenever you can. Don't worry about it. You joining us was enough. Those idiots like you a lot and you're an asset to the squad."

"Aww Bakugou, thanks! You never compliment me."

"Tch. That's because I don't give out compliments. Now turn the fuck around, you're going to trip over something and crack your head open."

"No I'm not mom. I'm fine." I reply and then of course, I suddenly start to fall backwards. I feel like any second I'm going to bust my ass. I close my eyes waiting for the impact.

But that doesn't happen. I open them and there's Bakugou, slightly out of breath, holding onto a tree with one hand, and using his other arm to hold me up.

"What the fuck Cheeks?! This is why I told you to be careful!"

I couldn't speak. I was transfixed. Our faces were so close together and I'd never noticed all of the colors in his ruby eyes.


"Oh! Sorry Bakugou." I finally say.

"Tch." He helps me stand up and flicks my forehead.

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