Chapter 11

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A few days ago we found out that our princess has become the grounder queen. We didn't know what to think. Was it all a hoax, was she just using the Grounders to get our people out, then after would she leave and come back to me, or had she really left, had she gone for good, I had drove her to that. I was lost I'm my own thoughts when Octavia walked into my tent
"Your thinking about her again, aren't you?"
"What" I asked being pulled out my thoughts
"Clarke, your thinking about her". Of course I was but I can't let o know that
"What no, why would I be thinking of her she left us, she no better than those savages"
"you don't mean that bell"
"Yes I do, she left me.. Uh I mean us"
"Well she's here, she wants to talk"
With that I walk out the tent, toward the my queen.
I thought it was time to pay the people of the ark a visit, we needed to talk about how to get our people out of mt weather. That's when Bellamy came striding out his tent octavia behind him. He looked stunning, his thick inky curls ruffled and his strong arms showing through his tight t shirt. Snap out it Clarke!
"Hello Bellamy"
"Hello Clarke" oh god he hates me.
"We need to discuss our plan, I was thinking that we could go check out our options on how to get into mt weather"
"How many have you got with you"
"It's only me"
"Ok, I will take a few with me if you don't mind"
"Not at all, I will go and wait outside the gate for yous "
I walk over to the gate and exit sitting at the bottom of a near by tree. Oh god that killed me, to see the hurt and anger in his eyes. Shut up Clarke thats a good thing, he has to hate you. 5 minutes later Bellamy came walking out the gates accompanied by a
Octavia and Murphy.
"Ready to go? I ask
""Yeah, let's go"

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