Chapter 16

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I just wanted to say thank you so much to The100Lover14 for the idea, sorry I would of dedicated this chapter to you but my wattpad wouldn't let me but thank you agin for the idea and I hope you all like it. :) x

The mysterious large creature burst through the tree line to reveal a monstrous gorilla. I stood there in shock, my body frozen in fear. That's when it spotted me, the size of an ant in comparison to the animal in front of me that easily towered above to the same hight of the trees. It called out in anger, bringing me in to reality, and that's when it lunged, teeth bared, heading for my body. Crap, crap,crap!. I started to sprint in the opposite direction , the deadly fangs missing me by inches. I need to loop around and get to the drop ship. I look around my surroundings to see a hollowed out log, I need to get to it. If I can get to it hopefully the animal won't see me. I manage to get to the log and I scramble in, hiding my figure in the shadows. I can feel the ground vibrating as the creature gets closer and closer to me, then it runs straight past me, ha stupid animal. Just when I think the coast is clear, the log that I was taking cover in was hurtled into the air and thrown down on the ground, It went down with a clatter splitting into 5 or 6 bits, when falling down to the ground I hit my face of a rock creating a deep gash on my cheek. Again the large monkey animal came straight for me, huffing out in anger, a muderous look in its black beady eyes. I jumped of the ground, my adrenaline kicking in and sprinted towards the dropship, sticking to the dense forest making it harder for the large creature to get to me, slowing it down. I've been running for hours, thank god for good cardio, my legs are burning, I can taste blood in the back of my throat and my breaths are becoming fast and painful. I can still hear the raging animal behind me, I managed to get quite a big lead on it due to it getting tangled in the forest growth. My head I pounding, I can feel the dried blood crusted down my face. I can't be far from he dropship now, surely not. And as if just on cue I can start to see the peak of the gate entrance. That's when I trip, damn today is not a good day, I pull myself up but I can hear the gorilla getting closer and closer to me, I manage to run to the gate limping a bit as I must of twisted my ankle slightly on the impact of my fall. I run into the gate assuming that it would be open as Bellamy, Octavia and murphy would be long gone and would of locked the gates when they left, the gates were licked which means that they were still in there. Crap!. I launch my self on the gate again but it doesn't budge. Damn it. I'm going to have to go round. The gorilla is gaining on me and I can start to see it through the trees, God this animal is persistent. I need to run, I start running round to the side of the camp so I can get thought one of the tunnels. I'm nearly there, I can see the tunnel, where the hells Bellamy? Can't he hear this. I'm about to dive through the tunnel when the gorilla grabs my leg and pulls me upward. It's holding me in its massive Palm. I'm kicking and screaming but the gorillas iron grip doesn't loosen. It lifts me toward its face and I lash out with my knife, hitting it square in the eye. I don't try and pull my knife out, so I just leave it. The animal drops me in pain and calls out in even more anger. I god I've done it now. I launch myself through the tunnel and sprit toward the dropship. I run Into the dropship and see Bellamy, octavia and Murphy all sprawled out at different sections on the dropship floor sleeping. At the sound of my heavy footsteps Bellamy awakes with a startle. He obviously can see the alarm in my eyes and panics. I'm not surprised really, between the fear on my face, the gorillas blood that covers my hands and arms and the dried blood that covers my face.
"Clarke what's wrong?" He says jumping up from his position on the floor.
"CLOSE THE DOOR QUICKLY!!" I shout I pure panic. With that he slams down the leaver for the dropship door to close. As its closing the gorilla breaks down the wall and runs for the dropship. Just as the door closes fully the body of the huge animal is slammed against the outside of the ship. Octavia and Murphy have now awoken with all the noise.
"What the hell is that?" Bellamy asks me, eyes wide in shock.
"that my friend is a problem"

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