Chapter 2

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I was right, when I arrived at the dropship I saw her, on her knees, hands buried in the ashes swishing below her. Walking forward, I stood above her, a steady flow of blood dripping from her hand and mixing into the ash that scattered the ground. Placing a hand on her shoulder she instantly shruged it off, leaving my had hanging loosely in the air.
"I'm fine Bellamy" she cut me off, abruptly getting up and wiping the remains from her jeans, headeding into the dropship.
I got up off the ground and went to the dropship kicking up the dust as I go and keeping my hand in an iron grip to slow the bleeding. I know Bellamy was just trying to help and Im grateful but I didn't need anyone's pity, I could handle it on my own. Walking to the back of the dropship and grabbing the spare first aid kit that was kept in the drop ship
incase of emergencys I unzip the small green canvas bag and pull out a couple of swabs, needle and thread. Bellamy was doing his hovering thing and standing at the door behind me.
"What are you doing?" He asks, trying to hide tge hitch of worry in his voice.
" I'm gonna stitch my hand up" i state back defiantly
"Why don't we go back to the ark..."
"No I can do it myself"
"Bellamy, no, I can do it, you need need to pussy foot around me, don't stay on my account" I say as I start to thread the needle like i have done so many times before.
Bellamy just huffs out in defeat anf comes over to me grabbing my hand with his calloused fingers and holding me still while I start to stitch. It hurts like hell but I ignore the pain. I can feel each and every movement that the needle makes, swift as they may be , searing hot pink Rick's dance along my skin. Once done I carefully wrap my hand in some spare gauze and toe a firm knot at the end.
"We should go" Bellamy says, breaking the silence, echoing within the metal box.
"I'm gonna stay here for a little bit" I inform him crossing the room and sitting on the cool metal floor, rising my head against the wall behind me. He comes and sits next to me, his body heat radiating off him and obviously worried gaze boring holes into the side of my face like i was going to combust at any moment, I turned my face to meet his and our gazes fixed.
"You know princess, the other day when you said you needed me"
"Yeah what about it?" I said. He quickly looked down and mumbled something , his cheeks turning an obvious red colour, this wasn't the cocky Bellamy we all know, whats he doing?.
"Sorry what was that" I asked in all honesty as I couldn't really hear him due to him talking to his feet. He looked up at me ,again our eyes interlocking.
"I need you too"
I'm taken aback, with know idea on what to say and even where to start. It must be obvious on my face because quickly he tries to cover his tracts by adding
"If you tell anyone I just said that I will personally feed you to the reapers."
I had to laugh at this remark. unwillingly i tore my eyes from his and looked forward again. slowly leaning head on his shoulder and let a for support, i felt comfortable, Content and I allowed myself for a few tears escape.
Her head was placed on my shoulder, her blond hair csscading down my arm in wavy tendrils. Although I couldn't see her I could tell she was crying, allowing her walls down if even for a moment . I cared about Clarke , I'm not sure in what way I just new that I did. It was stupid of me to admit i needed her, she didnt need that on her shoulders right now, she has enough resting there as it is, i shouldnt have done that to her. Her small teary hiccups have stopped and her breaths start to come out slow and steady, she must be asleep . I'm not surprised that she's let the darkness overcome her, letting herself rest, willingly or not she must be exhausted with what she's been through today. after her getting hit on the head by that grounder earlier, Finn being captured , nearly ending up on the end of a spear by Indra , killing Finn ,and then there's all the loss of blood between her head and hand. I know what's going to happen when we get bak to camp, clarkes mum will fuss over her and Clarkes going to push her away, she will bury herself in work and not allow herself to cry any longer. She's strong. She doesn't let anyone see her cry. I look down at her she looks so peaceful despite the dried out tear marks and blood . I refuse to wake her up, I lean my head back trying not to wake the sleeping princess by my side and close my eyes slowly the darkness comes. 

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