Chapter 14

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I'm hauled over the cliff by Bellamys strong, muscular arms gripping onto me. Once on top I stand up, but loose my balance slightly, he puts his hand on my waist to steady me, his finger touches a small slither off revealed skin from my top rolling up. Internally I am wanting to jump for joy and hug him, tell him and love him, never let him go and just stay wrapped in his arms forever. but on the outside I stay composed, never show emotion. Emotion= weakness, and I can't afford to be weak. I turn to him and look up at his beautiful face
"Any time, my queen"
Again internally melting. I scoff and walk over to see if Octavia is ok. She's sitting on the ground while leaning on a rock. Bellamy has rushed over to his sister and is now comforting her. I take the bottom of my shirt and rip a strip off to wrap around Octavias leg revealing a strip of my tanned skin. Once Octavias leg is securely wrapped she says thanks and I go to check on Murphy. He tripped over a rock while helping to pull octavia out the car, he's done something to his ankle.
"So princess..."
"What do you want Murphy?" I spit at him
"Well now that you and Blake over there are obviously not together and you both hate each overs guts I was thinking we could.." He said with a huge smirk plastered on his face.
" I never went out with octavia." I said flatly
"Oh your so funny princess, I meant the other one"
"Well, Murphy I would but I actually have standards and I think I would rather feed myself to the reapers than do that with you"
"Your loss princess, your loss"
"I somehow doubt that"
Once I've finished examining Murphy's ankle I tell him it's sprained, I stand up and when I'm about to leave he says
"Last offer princess, you won't get another" I turn back around and look him straight in the eyes, I kneel down beside him and whisper in his ear
"Not a chance" but before I stand up I squeeze his ankle making him squeal out in pain. I then make my way over to Bellamy, who is still sitting on the ground with his sister.
I can't believe I thought I was going to lose her, both of them. I don't think I could live if I did. I mean Octavia is my life and Clarke is... Was my escape. I love them both. I've been sitting here with octavia comforting her, while we waited for Clarke to finish looking at Murphy's ankle. In the corner of my eye I can see Clarke kneeling down next to Murphy, inching her face closer and closer to his, oh my god. I can feel the green monster inside me waiting to burst out, but then she pulls back and squeezes his ankle making him cry out in pain. I can't help it but this sends a smile across my face. I see Clarke walking up to me and o so I stand up.
"Bellamy, you need to take octavia and Murphy back to camp" she says to me
"Ok then let's go"
"I'm not coming with you, I'm going on my own, I'm going to do what we came out here to do"
"What , no Clarke, you'll get killed or eaten or something, you can't go"
"Bellamy I'll be fine , I'm a big girl"
"Since when have you been wiling to go into the woods alone?" I question her, she was never really one for being on her own especially in the woods.
"Since I've had to bell, I've got people back there relying on me, what would I look like to them if I can't even go out on my own" crap
"Sorry" I said In reply
"It's fine, well I'm off so see you later" and with that she was gone, before she slipped into the woods I shouted to her
"Be careful!"
"You too" she shouted back then she was gone, slipped in to the dark forest ,she's just another shadow. Oh my god what is this girl, of should I say woman doing to me

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