Chapter 23

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This time I'm not taken to Dante, this time their taking me to the quarantine unit, which the safest area of the mountain, where they can lock me wrists are bound behind my back by metal cuffs that bite into my wrists leaving a stinging sensation. I was escorted by not two guards this time but four, they were right not to trust me. As I'm pushed into one of the White rooms, I get told to sit and that the president will come and see me. I sit down on the bed and observe the Blank room trying to figure a way out. They've modified it since last time I was here, the window that is on the door now has metal bars striping up and down it, thanks to me, last time I was in one of these rooms I broke the window and escaped , causing havoc throughout the mountains residency. if there's a will there's a way. How am I going to get my people out of here?. I need to come up with a plan, possibly a deal that will get everyone out this mountain quickly and safely, I don't fancy a war on my hands. After about agonisingly long ten minutes Dante comes strutting through the door, a smirk plasters on his wrinkled face that really just made the urge to hit him greater.
"Hello Clarke"
"President Wallace" I replied in a monotone voice hopefully conveying the point that I was not here to play games.
"May i sit" he asks me pointing to the White sofa that sits under the painting on the wall
"Sure" I reply a fake smile on my face.
"You know Clarke you are one extraordinary woman, all this time no one has gotten in or out of this mountain and you've done both"
"Why thank you, but you know that's not what I want to talk about"
"Ahhh right you want to free your people and the remaining 47 of course, yes I heard that you were the new grounder commander , how's that working out for you?"he asks
"Very well thank you, but as I said that's not what I'm here to talk about. I want you to free the Grounders and the 47"
" And why would I do that?" He scoffs
"Because I will give you something in return"
"And what would that be?"
"Ha , you what would I want with you?" He asks. Come on are you really that stupid?.
" I can help you, I'm a valuable asset to your mountain and its survival. I've been the leader of the 100 and the grounders. I will allow you to do tests on me, you can use my bone marrow, genetically modify it, duplicate it and at the end you can drain my blood if you like. My mum was the top doctor of the ark, I can show you how you can use my cells and grow them in jars, enough for all the people. Plus I won't resist."
"What's to stop me from taking your deal and not releasing the people, or to take your deal and continue to harvest them?" he asks, ok he really is that stupid if he thinks that he would get away with that.
"Well Mr president, if you don't I won't have any problem killing everyone in this damn mountain, and as I said I've been the leader of the 100 and the Grounders, so all I have to do is say one word and you won't just have one but two army's knocking at your door, and let me tell you there's a hell of a lot more of us than there is you"
He takes a moment to think about this sizing up my offer.
"Fine" he says
"Good, glad to do business with you, there's just a couple of conditions that I have , if I'm going to be spending my last days in this godforsaken mountain then I at least have some requests."m
"Go on"
"All people are freed, the sky people and the grounders, you will not harvest them again or capture them, if they do not approach you, you will not approach them, also I want you to give some of my bone marrow straight away to maya and her dad, letting them, go with the remaining 47"
"I don't see how that seems fair to be honest"
"Do we have a deal?" I say more forcefully this time
As soon as he said the word "yes" I knew it was done, no going back. I had struck a deal with the devil himself. On the word yes the names of the people that I would never see again came swirling through my head. One in particular that I didn't know my feelings for until this moment. All the emotions that I have towards this person come bursting out, like finding buried treasure, the feelings that I have been pushing down for so long, resisting and ignoring being to scared to feel them have finally made their way to the surface, giving me goosebumps. But despite my sudden realisation of happiness, I know it can never be, it's funny that, as a old saying goes, you never know what you have until you've lost it. I never knew of my feelings until the time came that I can't do anything about them. I'm never going to see him again to express my feelings, I will never see the chocolate pools that call themselves eyes, I will feel the tingling feeling of his lips on mine, I will never feel the tight squeeze of a hug that makes you feel important, that makes you feel loved. I will never experience, waking up next to him, or seeing him grow old, all the I love yous lost on my lips that can never be said. As I know I will never see him again am I aloud to write a letter to him, tell him of my feelings, do I deserve at least that, closure. Or would that be seen as inhumane, would it be seen as cruel and unnecessary. I would think that he deserves to know the feeling that I hold toward him, or should those three little words die on my lips with me.

It's been three days since Clarke left for the mountain, on the mission to get both our people out of there. Three nights of sleeplessness, nightmares filled with endless thoughts of death, her death. Never getting to see those radiant green eyes again that could lighten up anyone's day, never getting to see the sun reflect on that golden hair of hers that makes her look even more like an angel than she already is. Three days of trying to stay busy enough never to let my mind wander. Octavias improved a lot but still struggles to walk, her being her stubborn self keeps refusing to use the crutch that I made for her. Today I've taken up upon myself to try and make more weapons, spears knifes, arrows anything. We haven't heard much from the grounders lately only once when clarks second in command came to greet us and tell us that he would be following in clarks footsteps while she was gone, the two clans, us and them would not interact, we could go pay visits and we would go to each other if we needed help but we're were both under strict orders from Clarke that a war was not to break out between us in her absence. I'm lost in the job at hand when I start to hear commotion at the gates, my only though is attackers. I quickly grab a knife and run to the gates to see the oncoming threat, but it wasn't a threat it was our people, the faces that we have longed to see in so long. The faces of our friends. I skim the crowed and look for one person in particular, she's not there, it's obvious really, she would of gone back with her people back to her home. I stand there looking at the heart warming scene playing out in front of me, families and friend reuniting together, hugs and laughter and tears. Despite the happiness in front of me I can't help but feel the sharp pain of disappointment, the pain of loneliness as the person that I haven't been able to pry my mind from isn't there. I noticed two new faces in camp, they seem a little out of place, not quite sure what to do. A young girl with dark curly hair, probably a no more than a year older than Octavia is staying close beside jasper and an older man who is staying close to her. I can only assume that she is maya, the girl that Clarke described as being Jaspers girlfriend. I'm not sure who the other man is but by the way he is close to her I assume her would be her dad or an uncle, they look alike. I'm too lost in thought to notice jasper has removed himself from the young girl and is striding towards me.
"Hey, it's good to see you" I say to him and pat him on the back as a genuine smile crosses my face.
"Hey, good to see you too" he repays. as I look at his face i notice the sorrow in his eyes and apology on which I don't know about yet.
"Eehhh... I got told to give you this" he says passing my a brown sealed envelope and with that he's gone retreating back to the crowd, confusion crossing my features I look down at the envelope, on the front my name has been scrawled in small neat writing. I open the envelope to find a letter and an object which seems to be wrapped in some sort of cloth. Picking out the letter I open it inside it reads....

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