Chapter 4

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"Clarke its your mum you need to come back quick"
Clarke dropped the bucket of water instantly letting it crash against the ground the water absorbing into the forest floor. She just ran heading back towards the ark.
"Clarke" I shouted after her, then I started running octavia by my side
"What happened o" I say still keeping my eyes focused on Clarke in the distance
"Well When Clarke ran and you went after her there was a little ...trouble in camp. A small riot broke out, someone grabbed a guards gun through all the chaos and shot it, well the bullet had to land somewhere and that somewhere was clarkes mum. We tried to do what we could for her, and she seemed stable but she started crashing and then we realised that she didn't have long
, she's bleeding internally and we don't have equipment to deal with it."
God, Clarke just lost Finn and now she going to loose her mum, when is that girl going to get a break. It was only yesterday that Abbie told me to bring Clarke back safe. I hope she's still clinging on to the little bit of life left, just to see her beautiful daughter just once more. I continue running headed towards Clarke my eyes never leaving her golden hair flowing around her shoulders as she ran.
NO!, this can't be happening. I don't know what's wrong with my mum but I can tell it's not good. Octavia had the same look on her face that the guard had all those years ago telling me that my dad was to be floated. I hear Bellamy shouting my name but I ignore it. The only thoughts that are processing through my mind at the moment are wether or no my mums going to be ok. Just to think before octavia came crashing though those trees I was actually excited to see my mum, for her to go around fussing over me like she usually does when something bad had happened. I think it's her doctor instincts taking over her being determined to know that she has at least helped one person. By the time I got to camp I could tell it was too late. Nobody talks to me I could just tell by the expressions on there faces, pity and sorrow. I barged into the medical bay not glancing at anything just my mothers body lying on the cool metal table. Her clothes were blood stained and her skin was an ashen grey, all the warmth gone from her lifeless body. I couldn't take it anymore I ran over to her tent and started kicking and throwing things, overturning her makeshift bed and table taking out all of my anger on the objects that once belonged to her. That's when I felt strong, warm arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards them. Me knees buckled and I rested all my weight on the body behind me. She left me, I'm never going to see her warm smile again, never going to experience her caring touch or receive another goodnight kiss to my forehead. She's gone , my mothers dead.

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