Chapter 22

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Im dragged through the winding corridors of the mountain, a collection of crisp white walls and well scrubbed floors. I had gone through quarantine, my skin stings, like loads of tiny needles have pierced it . I had to be scrubbed down with acid, removing layers of my skin, I feel the cleanest I have in a long time. I'm now dressed in an outfit like I was the first time I woke up in this mountain. The White of the outfit emphasises the redness of my skin, making me stand out, the colour of my skin looking a red lobster colour. I'm being escorted by two not so tough looking guards, apparently I couldn't be trusted with only one. I look left and right between the guards, the one on my right Is talk and lanky, I can see ends of blond hair peeking out from under his cap, tendrils of it resting above his eyebrows. he has quite sharp features,a obvious jaw line and a hooked nose. I suppose he would be quite attractive if he wasn't escorting me to my possible death. The other guard, on my left was quite the opposite. He was tall but instead of being lanky he was a bit on the podgy side, he had rounded features, unlike most guards he wasn't wearing a cap, showing of his bald head. I'm shoved into an elevator where the guard presses the level 6 button, where Dantes office is. Nows my time to act, I quickly spin around grabbing one of the lanky guards gun and butting him over the head with it, knocking him unconscious, I do this before the fatter guard ever processes what I'm doing. I glance over at the screen above the elevator door telling us what floor were on, 2.....3.....
"Stay where you are" I say to the guard while pointing my gun at him. "I won't hesitate to shoot you"
I reach behind him and press the emergency stop button without moving my gun from the guards head. The elevator halts just before level 5. Good.
" Just put the gun down, I can take you to the president where you can talk, nobody has to get hurt." The guard says to me
Like the other guard I hit him over the head with the end of the gun, he collapses on the floor in a heap.
"Shut up" I say flatly.
I kneel down next to the lanky man and take off his clothes, leaving him in his white under shirt and underwear. I pull the shirt and trousers over my own, steal the mans boots, tying them tightly on my feet and his cap, securing it on my head tucking in the strands of blonde hair. I fasten the gun to my belt, and take the larger guards gun aswell, tucking it under my shirt out of sight.
"Well boys it was lovely meeting you but I hope to never see you again" I say to the unconscious body's on the elevator floor as I climb out the hatch in the roof. Right, so I've probably got about an hour before they get that elevator working again and find the body's of the men. I grab onto the ladder and start to climb up the elevator shaft, making my way to level 5 where the dorm is, where my..well not mine any more, but where Bellamy's people are, once I lead them out to safety i will get to the harvest chamber and release my people. I push the button just next to the door in the elevator shaft, opening the doors so I can ascend into level 5. I jump through the open doors, them closing behind me and make my way to the dorm. I'm approaching the door to the room, I don't hear any noise, well I guess it not all happiness and cake anymore. I approach the door and push it open. When I enter I see the remaining 47 standing in a group, getting ready for a fight I notice jasper about to charge at me when I put my hands up.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, jasper its me!" I say pulling off the cap. My stands of hair falling down to my shoulders.
I walk to them and give jasper a small, quick hug, then monty.
"What were you doing, because you were getting ready to batter whoever came through that door?"
"They've started, they're taking us one at a time"
"Oh god"
"How's the people back home, octavia, finn, Bellamy?"
"They're fine" I lie, I can't distract them, I need to get them out of here. "Let's go" I say, handing jasper one of my guns. "Keep that hidden" I say to him,he nods in agreement. Just as we start walking to the door, a group of maybe 6 or 7 guards came crashing through the door
"Take her" the leader commands and points at me. Two men come over to me and grab my arms, dragging me out the room. I look over at jasper to see him with his hand on the gun tucked in his shirt. I shake my head at him signalling no, then I'm dragged out the room, the door slammed behind me.

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