Chapter 15

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It's been 4 hours since we left Clarke and we are nearing the dropship, still another 2 hours from the ark. . Octavias leg has stopped bleeding but she is limping badly and so is Murphy. Im Worried about her, she's lost a lot of blood and has been walking for hours. We decide its a good idea to stop for a break The backs of my legs are burning from trying to carry Octavias weight. I help lower octavia onto the dropship floor, I then walk across to the other side and slouch down tilting my head up and leaning it on the wall. Murphy's gone outside so it's just me and o. I can't stop thinking about Clarke and I can't help it, God knows I want to stop, she clearly hates my guts and there's nothing I can do. I can't keep tormenting myself with something that I can't have. God I hope she's ok. I hope she hasn't been eaten or caught by the mountain men.
"Bell you need to stop thinking about her, your doing yourself no good"
"What who?"
"Clarke, your thinking of her"
"No I'm not o"
"Yes you are it's obvious, you look like a lost puppy, you forget bell I can read you like an open book"
"I know" is all I reply. Damn I need to get better at hiding things from her.
The heavy weight of silence weighs down on them.
"You love her don't you?" Is all she says, breaking the silence. I don't know. do I love her, yes,no. I mean loves when you see the person and the world stops turning, all that you exist for no longer matters because you have them and they have you. They're the light at the end of the tunnel the shooting star is the darkness of space. Do I love Clarke?. Sure when I see her I just want to be near her and when I'm not with I just can't stop thinking about her, she drives me crazy,so mad that I just want to shout and shout and never stop ,but she's also one of the few people that have made me happy on this godforsaken planet, made my life feel like it worth living. Does that count as love?
"I don't know o" is all I reply. "I really don't know."
I feel like I've been walking for hours and I suppose I have. if I've judged it right bell should be back at the dropship, it will of taken them double the time to get there. God I hope they're fine. I'm too lost in thought to notice the big tree root sticking out the ground. Before I know it I'm falling,I hit the damp ground with a thud. Damn it. I turn around to see what the source of my fall was, damn trees. I stand up and wipe my self down, my hand starts dribbling blood, still fragile from the stitches I had to apply after the Finn incident. Bloody hell. In the corner of my eye I look at the root that tripped me up, wait that doesn't look like a tree. I kneel down closer to it to examine it. That's not a tree, it a bone. Just then I look around, taking in my surroundings that I was to dazed to see before, blood , bones and carcasses scatter the surrounding area. That's when I hear it the almighty cry of a rather large animal and the thumping of its feet that vibrates the forest floor as its heading straight for me.

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