Dinner with Sallie (ARCase & Ruechari)

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Dinner with Sallie

Between the heat of the forge and his troubled mind

Jacob thought he might very well die

All that whiskey kept rising up his in his mouth

More than once he had to step out

Of the forge and vomit in a bush

Not great timing as the afternoon rush

Continued. Petra was too busy to pay him much mind,

Trying to get the orders out on time.

His head pounded every clang of iron only making it worse.

He made it through his shift upright, muttering a curse.

Petra told him to be here bright and early in the morning

Sober too as they had lots of work to do.

Jacob rushed to take Lady Imogen to the stables before he went back to the hotel.

Luckily only Ron was there as far as he could tell.

Jake had no time or energy to get from Bella the third degree.

He was going to be late he knew as he quickly made his way up to the room.

Josie must have already been down in the restaurant with Sallie waiting on him.

He washed up quickly and changed.

He knew there'd be hell to pay.

He could see it on the face of Sallie McClain

When Jake walked into the restaurant thirty minutes late.

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Josie gave him a smile. One he hadn't seen in a while.

But as Jake made his way to the table, something else caught his eye.

Rue at a table with that Jasper guy!

Rue was smiling at least until she saw him.

The snake from the forge gave Jake a smug grin.

Jacob was seeing red.

Had anything Rue said,

Been true?

She'd played Jacob for a fool!

Sallie cleared her throat.

"Jacob dear, the foods getting cold "

"I need a minute", said Jake.

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