On Fire (NehpetsEnal)

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On Fire

The Liberty Belle was ready to sail, in a record-breaking time

The Smoky Stoker had been working overtime

The boilers were burning like a funeral pyre

The Smoky Stoker was on fire

The Smoky Stoker was on fire

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Stood beside him dreaming of his Italian pizza oven, was the ships, Cook

He was reveling in his task of shoveling coke

He was reveling in his task of shoveling coke

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Bart was racing up and down the ship

He was moving so fast; it was a small wonder that he didn't slip

You'd be mistaken for thinking; he'd been doing this for years

Shadow couldn't believe the change in her little brother, closing her eyes to focus, she was almost in tears

Shadow couldn't believe the change in her little brother, closing her eyes to focus, she was almost in tears

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As luck would have it, they were facing the right way

It was good to have something going their way, they'd soon be making hay

They found their way into the Salt Marshes, and sure as hell they would find their way out

Bart had three rowing boats, leading the ship, he would ensure her safe exit, of that there was no doubt

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