Getting the Facts (AnnaRCase and lyttlejoe)

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Getting the Facts

3Gun stared at Jake in the cell

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3Gun stared at Jake in the cell

'Since you've bin in this town things haven't gone well.'

'You think I'm a drunk and a crazy killer?'

'Well, your drinkin' sure ain't news,

but for the rest, I'll think what I choose.

I need to speak with this woman named Sallie,

the one who claims to be your fiancée, with your child on the way.'


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Jake took a calming breath. 'You're barking up the wrong tree, sheriff. Sallie has nothing to do with it. She's innocent.'

'That's what I want to learn, gimme a hand.'

'She's my responsibility, so just let it go. All this stress won't be good for her baby, just so you know."

'We're talkin' about murder here.

The better our investigation will go, let me make some things clear'

Jake listened to what 3Gun knew; surprised at what he heard.

There were witnesses to him kissing Mary Sue in the saloon,

banging on her hotel room door, bloody and drunk, words slurred.

More than once he rolled in wasted, blood on his face and hands.

How Josie even had to fill in at work to make the rent.

Doc had suggested Mary Sue might have died from, poison -

could have been something she ate. That sounded like Sallie,

but he wasn't saying, they'd never get him to break.

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'I've got my Deputies talkin' to staff, Ann Patter reported some kids in the hall.

But it's just her word, a cat was blamed for the matter.

But she was seen with your Sallie, sharin' a talk outside,

so we're gonna see if she has somethin' to hide.'

Jake's ears perked up on the bit about kids, it had to be Josie, he knew.

But why sneak around the hotel at night?  He wished the whole mess was through.

'Where can I find her, Jake? 3Gun said. 'The sooner we talk,

the sooner this case might break.'


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Jake smiled, "Your guess is as good as mine, sheriff. I haven't seen her all night or day, as I'm sure you've heard the staff say. The hotel has eyes everywhere it seems. Little birdies that like to sing... but I'm worried about Josephine. She could be in danger, out there all alone.'

'Josie's okay. Bella and Petra are showin' her the way. 

And Jasper's keepin' an eye on them all, so cheer up and

keep your eye on the ball.

Jake was relieved, the bit about Jasper didn't sit well, but if it meant

Josie's safety, then, what the hell.

Josie's safety, then, what the hell

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'Jake, keepin' shut makes you look guilty you know.'

'I didn't hurt Mary Sue. I'm telling you the truth. I got rattled when she didn't answer the door. Nothing more. She said that morning she wasn't feeling well. We had plans to meet at her room just after the dinner bell. I guess I should have stayed, and not left her that day, but she told me it was just a headache. Promised me she'd be fine. That she got them all the time. I got a bad feeling as I stood outside her door and then when the lady down the hall, said no one had seen her since midday at all, I panicked and broke the door down. You know the rest...what I found.'

Jake's words trailed off as he eyed the ground.

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