Wake Up Call (Ruechari)

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Wake Up Call

Lorne woke up the lights were dim.

He could not see more than

3 feet in front of him

He touched the back of his head

His fingers came back red

"Guess, I'm lucky I ain't dead."

"I'd certainly say so,

But there is still time, you know?"

"Who's there? What do you want?"

"To take over, BG, to put it blunt."

"Who are you?" Lorne said with a grunt.

"For a year now I've lived in your town.

As mayor, I guess you don't get around."

"What do you want with me?

Why do you want BG?"

"What can I say, heard about this town

From a friend of mine. Perhaps you've

Heard of him, Solomon Ray."

"Solomon Ray that lowlife thug!

He's been made into a meal for the bugs.

I don't know what you think you have on me

But there's no way in hell you'll get BG."

"Hell is just a state of mind

Something you're about to find

For you don't do as I say.

You're wife, your children's life

Could end today."

All Lorne could see was the stranger's grin.

It would seem he knew he was about to win.

"Tell what part you want me to play."

The stranger's grin widened.

"Knew you'd see things my way."

Busted Gulch vol. 15Where stories live. Discover now