Another Way - NehpetsEnal

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Another Way

The panic had subsided, but like ants, the crew still scuttled around the Liberty Belle

Shadow did not have a lot to say, and for some reason, she was not happy with the delay

She watched the toing and froing, with a frustrated interest, at a distance, from the shore

She was pondering a blurry vision of a woman swimming, unsure if it was about Ma and Pa's mission

She was pondering a blurry vision of a woman swimming, unsure if it was about Ma and Pa's mission

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Without warning a pair of hands envelope her eyes, Brett whispers softly in her ears

Sis, a penny for your thoughts, your anxiety is impossible to miss

She let them flow like a stream, even though they were from a waking dream

That's really quite strange, what they are doing is also bothering me

So, we both have anxieties, it bothers me that the pressure on the pumps has grown

We only need for one or two to fail, and the Liberty Belle is going to hell

Perhaps your clouded senses are just the warning we need and may foretell that we don't have another morning

I've not been at ease with Chief's plan from the outset, and I can see is it going down the pan

Ma and Pa have put so much trust in the guy, but I don't plan to let that get in my way

I agree said Shadow, whatever you do Brett, I'm with you all the way, if it fails it will be on both our heads

That's it then, I've had enough, let's go one better, gather the crew together, identify the swimmers and nominate the best swimmer for me

He or she is going to lead a team of divers, the way things are degrading I think it is only a matter of hours before things go tits up

I'm off to see the carpenters, we need to do some temporary patching, before the hulls in tatters

Guys, I want you to start tarring strip planks, and while you're at it, re-dip the tarpaulins

Next, he addresses the crew, listen up, we know the leaks are getting worse, and we no longer have time to sit and wait

We also know the breach is on the Starboard side, this gives us an edge

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