Baby in a Trench coat

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Cas x Reader

You had grown up with the Winchesters. You and the boys would be stuck with each other when your dads did hunts together. They were like your brothers. It was through them that you had met Castiel. It wasn't love at first sight with the two of you. You didn't believe in love at first sight anyway, to you it was shallow and falling in love with how a person looked instead of who they are. 

Over the years, as you and Cas got to know each other, you started to fall in love. It had now been 10 years since you met, 5 years since you started dating, and almost a year since you had gotten married.

Currently, you were busy wrapping a gift you had gotten for Cas in tissue paper before placing it in a gift bag. When you were done, you decided to get started on dinner while you waited for the three boys to get back from their supply run.

*Time skip brought to you by Cas' trench coat*

"Y/N! We're home," Cas called out.

"In the kitchen," you yelled back.

The boys made their way to the kitchen, all of them carrying groceries. You were just pulling dinner out of the oven. You placed it on the stove before turning to the boys. "The sooner you get that stuff put away, the sooner we can eat dinner," you said. While they put the groceries away, you set the table.

Once the groceries were put away, you guys sat down and enjoyed a nice meal together. Even though Cas didn't eat he had a good time listening and joining in on the conversation.

When you were done eating, you stood up and grabbed Cas' hand. "Sam, Dean, you two are on cleanup duty tonight," you said as you pulled Cas out of the kitchen.

"Just keep it down," Dean yelled after you two, causing you to chuckle and a slight blush to appear on Cas' face.

The two of you walked to your shared room. You told Cas to sit on the bed while you grabbed the gift bag off of the nightstand. 

"What is that Y/N," Cas asked, doing his adorable, confused head tilt.

"It's a gift for you silly," you said, handing him the bag before sitting down next to him.

"You know you didn't have to get me anything."

"I know Cassie, but I think you're really going to like it. Now open it," you said, nudging him slightly with your shoulder.

Castiel very carefully began to remove the tissue paper out of the bag, setting it on the bed next to him. When all the tissue paper was out of the bag, Cas carefully removed the gift from the bag. He tilted his head in confusion again as he looked at it. In his hands he held an tiny trench coat.

"Thank you Y/N. But I believe you may have accidently gotten the wrong size. This appears to be for an infant," he said.

You giggled, "I didn't get the wrong size Cas. Let's just say that you won't be the only baby in a trench coat around here anymore." You rested your hands on your stomach. Cas furrowed his eyebrows before his eyes widened in realization.

"You mean-" he started, turning to see that you were already nodding. Gripping the tiny trench coat in one of his hands, he pulled you into a hug.

"I'm gonna be a dad," he whispered.

The End

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

Supernatural Imagines and Preferencesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن