Enjoy the Music

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Cas x Reader

It was a down day at the bunker, and those were few and far between.  Because they were rare, you planned on enjoying it to the fullest. For you, that meant peace and solitude. You loved the boys, they're like your family. Sometimes you needed a break from them though. You don't really mind being stuck in the car with them for hours on end or being cramped together in a crappy motel room for days at a time while working a case, so long as you got a break from them every now and then. The boys understood and respected that, only seeking you out if it was an emergency.

Currently, you were sitting at your desk with your back to the door. Your earbuds were in, blasting whatever music you felt like listening to. You didn't mind Dean's music, you even enjoy most of the time, but sometimes you like some variety. You swayed in your chair, bopping your head with the beat. You started to softly sing along to the music, hoping the boys wouldn't hear you.

*Time skip brought to you by Cas' adorable head tilt*

Around 1, Castiel began to make his way to your room. He was carrying a plate with a sandwich. He hated to disturb you, he knew how important your alone time was for you, but he was worried since you hadn't left your room for lunch yet. Cas reached your room, stopping in the doorway.

By now you had gotten out of your chair and were dancing around your room, singing louder than you were earlier. A grin broke out on Cas' face as he watched you. He had never seen you so happy and carefree, no traces of the worry and stress he was used to seeing etched on your face. He desperately wished to be able to see this side of you more often. Snapped out of his thoughts when he realized you had stopped dancing. Holding one of your earbuds, looking straight at Cas with a grin still plastered on your face.

"What can I help you with Cas?" you asked the angel.

"S-sorry to bother you," he stuttered, "I just thought you might be hungry." He held out the plate with both hands.

"Aww. Thanks Cas," you said, taking the plate from him. "And don't worry about. You brought food, all is forgiven." You gave him a peck on the cheek. You didn't notice the blush that rose to his cheeks as you walked back to your desk. You sat down and began to eat.

"I'll leave you to enjoy your music. Goodbye Y/N," Cas said before leaving your room.

"Bye Cas," you called after him. Putting your earbud back in to tune out the world for a little while.

The End

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

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