Nerf or Nothin'

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Jack x Reader

Sam and Dean were standing in one of the bunker hallways, talking, when Jack went barreling past them. They were about to run after him when you slid into the hallway. You were an interesting site to see. You were wearing what you usually wore on a lazy day at the bunker, fuzzy socks, sweats, and a hoodie. The rest of your ensemble though, was making Sam and Dean stare. In each hand, you held a fully loaded nerf gun, a strap across your chest holding extra darts, and to top it all off you had a streak of black paint on each cheek.

As soon as you entered the hallway, you went charging full speed in the same direction as Jack, not even slowing down as you darted between the boys.

"Prepare to face your fate young nephilim," you yelled as you disappeared around the corner.

"What the," Dean said with Sam just chuckling next to him. The both of them staring in the direction you and Jack had run off in.

You caught up to Jack, managing to hit him once before he went around a corner. You continued to chase after him, running full force into Castiel when you went around the corner. The impact causing you to fall onto your butt. Cas looked down at you, his head tilted and his face full of concern.

"Y/N, is everything all right? Jack was running like something was after him. Did something get into the bunker? Should I-" Cas firing off questions before you interrupted him.

"None shall stand in the way of my victory," you grinned. You shot a dart right between Cas' eyes. You darted around him before he could comprehend what happened. Picking up your speed to try and catch up with Jack. Cas just stood there with his head tilted in his confusion until Sam and Dean came walking up to him.

"Sam. Dean. I think something is wrong with Y/N. She was chasing after Jack and she was talking about me being in the way of her victory. Then she shot me with this," he said, holding up the foam dart to show the boys. They chuckled and Dean patted Cas on the shoulder. 

"It's nothing to worry about Cas. They're just being kids and playing a game," Dean comforted the angel.

Meanwhile, your run-in with Cas had given Jack a chance to set up a base in the library. He was hiding behind one of the bookcases when you entered the library. Moving slowly and silently, your guns were ready to fire at the slightest movement. Suddenly you were being bombarded with foam darts. You ducked between some bookcases to escape, but Jack had left the safety of his hiding place and now had you cornered.

"Surrender!" he yelled, a giant grin on his face.

"NEVER," you yelled back. You charged at Jack, tackling him to the ground. Now laying on top of him, you continued, "I might consider a truce though, if you help me get the boys."

A mischievous grin pulled at Jack's lips as he responded, "What did you have in mind?"

*Time skip brought to you by the cinnamon roll that is Jack Kline*

The three guys were currently sitting in the kitchen, enjoying some beers. Breaking the silence, Sam spoke up, "I haven't heard Jack or Y/N for a while. Do you guys think they're up to something?"

Before Dean or Cas could respond, all three of their phones gave a text notification.

'Garage, NOW'- Y/N

They all took off running to the garage. Dean took the lead, worried that something might be wrong with his precious car.

As soon as they entered the garage they were bombarded with foam bullets. Cas did his signature head tilt, Sam gave you his classic bitch face, and Dean just turned around and left the garage. Letting out war cries, you and Jack ran after him.

The End

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

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