Drunk part 1

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Dean was sitting in the library with his laptop when Sam walked in.

"Dean, have you seen Y/N," Sam asked.

"Yeah. She left a couple hours ago. I think she said she was meeting up with an old friend," Dean said, glancing up from his laptop. As soon as Dean had finished talking, Sam's phone began to ring. Seeing that it was you calling, he answered it.

"Hey Y/N. What's up?"

"SAMMY!!!" you yelled happily, causing Sam to wince at your out of character loudness.

"Are you drunk?" Sam's question caused Dean to look up, eyebrows raised. How much had you had to drink? You held your own when drinking with the boys. Neither of the boys had ever seen you drunk before, maybe a little tipsy, but never drunk.

"Nooooo," you giggled. "I'm totally waisted."

"Alright, uh, just tell me where you are and me and Dean will come pick you up." 

It took a few minutes to actually get a location from you, but as soon as they had it, the boys left to go get you.

Dean pulled into the bar's parking lot and parked the impala.

"Remind me again, why both of us had to come," Dean asked while stepping out of the car.

"Because," Sam started to explain, "otherwise one of us would have to come back so Y/N could get her car. This way I can drive her back in her car and you won't have to worry about her puking in the impala. Besides, do you really want to miss the chance of seeing a drunk Y/N?"

Dean grinned, "Fair point."

Entering the bar, the boys quickly began scanning the crowded room for you. Dean had to yell to be heard over the noisy patrons. "Any sign of her?"

"No-wait. there in the corner." Sam pointed to a booth in the far corner of the bar.

There you were. Your cheeks were slightly rosy and you were giggling to yourself like a school girl. The boys didn't see any sign of your friend though. Sam and Dean made their way over to you.

"SAM! DEAN!" you yelled in greeting. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?" Dean smirked. Oh, he was going to have fun with this.

Sam chuckled, "We're here to give you a ride home. Where's your friend? Does she need us to give her a lift?"

"Naah, she already left. Got a taxi back to her hotel."

Dean spoke up, "Alright Y/N, why don't you give Sammy here your keys and we'll get you home and to bed."

You dug around in you jacket pocket, retrieving your keys. "Here ya go Sammy." You tossed your keys to Sam. He caught them, even drunk you had impressive aim.

The three of you walked out of the bar. Well, Sam and Dean walked, you stumbled out with the boys needing to help you occasionally. Dean started to guide you over to the impala.

"You really want to take her in your precious car," Sam asked, surprised his brother would be willing to risk you throwing up in his car.

"Dude, I am not passing up the opportunity to witness Y/N drunk. Besides if she hurls, she'll be the one cleaning it up," Dean smirked. If you weren't drunk you would've been furious with the boys for talking about you when you were right there.

Sam shrugged and helped get you into Baby's backseat before he went to your car. Dean started up the engine and headed for the bunker.

"So, Y/N," Dean started, glancing at you lying in the backseat in the rearview mirror. You hummed indicating for him to continue. "What, or should I say who, made you drink so much?" Dean was hoping he could get some juicy gossip from, like who you like or something. Something that he could use to blackmail you with if ever necessary. 

"Nothing but bad decisions. Like agreeing to a drinking game with my friend who has a very high alcohol tolerance," you said, keeping your eyes closed.

"You're definitely going to regret those decisions in the morning."

"Probably," you agreed. Dean turned on his classic rock and the rest of the ride to the bunker was filled with your drunken singing (it was just off-key yelling).

Sam pulled your car into the garage just as Dean was helping you out of the impala.

"Anything interesting happen in the car," Sam asked.

"Unfortunately not. Just her yelling with the music, which I did get a recording of," Dean answered. "Now, let's get her to bed."

"NOPE!" you yelled before darting to the door. " 'Her', doesn't want to go to bed. You'll have to catch me first!" With that being said, you darted down into the hall.

Sam sighed, "I say we just let her tire herself out and then put her in bed."

"Works for me. But we should probably keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't hurt herself," Dean said.

You may have been drunk, but you were still surprisingly fast. By the time the boys had caught up to you, you were in the library. You were attempting to waltz with Cas. Key word 'attempting'. Holding Cas' hands, you were waltzing around while the angel just stood there with his head tilted. Sam and Dean were able to watch you for a couple minutes before you noticed them. With a squeal, you jumped onto Castiel's back, piggy-back style. "Onward noble steed," you commanded. 

Instead of obeying your orders, Cas walked over to the Winchesters. "What is wrong with Y/N? Where you hunting a witch? Did she get cursed?" Questions tumbled from Cas, worry lacing his voice.

"Don't worry bud. She's fine. She just drank a liquor store," Dean reassured his friend.

"Cas would you mind putting her in bed, since you're already carrying her. We don't want her to hurt herself," Sam said. Cas nodded and started towards your room.

You had your arms wrapped around Cas' neck and your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, but Cas put his hands under your legs to make sure you didn't fall off.

Once in your room, Cas made you let go and set you down on your bed. You kicked off your shoes and crawled under the covers. "Night Cassie. Love ya," you mumbled, already half asleep. You didn't notice the blush that appeared on the angel's cheeks at your words.

He gave you a kiss on the head. "I love you too Y/N. Goodnight."

The End

 I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

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