Fight Song

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Reader Sister Winchester

Inspired by Fight Song by Rachel Platten. Italics are song lyrics

Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep

Everybody's worried about me

In too deep

Say I'm in too deep (in too deep)

And it's been two years I miss my home

  Two years. It's been two years since you left your home, and your family, behind. Being the over-protective brothers that they were, Sam and Dean didn't let you hunt. After another big fight about you wanting to hunt, you ran away. And run you did, never looking back.

The boys tried calling you constantly at first, but you never answered. Eventually their attempts to call you lessened, their worry didn't. The longer you were gone, the more they worried. They were worried you were getting in over your head. You were. You hunted non-stop, averaging four hours of sleep a night.

But there's a fire burning in my bones

Still believe

Yeah, I still believe

But you were good. Your skills were definitely worthy of the Winchester name, and you enjoyed hunting. You were careful to not take on more than you could handle. Usually.

You weren't prepare for how many vampires you were actually hunting. You thought it was a small nest, no more than seven vamps. It was more than double that. At least you had the element of surprise, managing to behead three before the rest realized you were there. Your luck didn't last long though, and the ones remaining charged you.

The fight was long and bloody. Chopping off heads, left and right. You were firing off dead man's blood bullets whenever you got the chance. The fight ended with the last of the vampires' head rolling across the floor, and you bleeding heavily.

You had gotten badly injured in the fight. The worst of your injuries, was the hole in your neck, where one of the bloodsuckers had managed to really sink his fangs in. It was causing you to lose blood fast. Doing the only thing you could think of, you prayed to Cas. The faint whoosh of wings was the last sound you heard before you lost consciousness.

Cas had been in the bunker's library with your brothers, when he'd heard your prayer. He zapped to you immediately. Returning moments later, with a bloody you in his arms. Cas had been able to heal your neck, but your other wounds would have to be healed the old-fashioned way. 

Sam and Dean rushed to Cas at the sight of you. While Sam ran to get the infirmary ready, Dean gently took you from Cas' arms. Once you were securely in his arms, Dean followed after his brother. It took your brothers several hours to get you cleaned and patched up. Then, they just had to wait for you to wake up.

When you did wake up, you were groggy and in pain. It felt like you'd been hit by a truck and then fell off a cliff. Opening your eyes, you realized you were in the bunker's infirmary. You were home.

You tried to sit up, even the slightest movements causing you to wince in pain. Once you were finally sitting up, Sam entered the room. The solemn look on his face brightened when he realized you were awake.

"How are you feeling," he asked.

"Pain. All I feel right now is pain," you said.

"These should help with that." He handed you a couple pills and a glass of water. After taking the pills, you went back to sleep.

By the next time you woke up, the pills had kicked in and you were feeling better. You got up slowly, and carefully made your way to the kitchen. Not sure how long it had been since you had last eaten, you were starving. Dean was waiting for you when you finally reached the kitchen.

The sight of your oldest brother broke your heart. His stubble had grown into a scraggly beard. The bags under his eyes made it obvious that he hardly slept. And his eyes, they were on the verge of tears. When he spoke, his voice was uneven and shaky. "Why did you leave?"

And all those things I didn't say

Wrecking balls inside my brain

I will scream them loud tonight

Can you hear my voice this time?

You took a shaky breath, readying yourself to finally say the words you'd thought a thousand times. "Because I felt worthless Dean," you spoke, your voice barely above a whisper. "You and Sam have saved the world more than once, and you wouldn't even let me help you with a simple salt and burn. You guys are living legends, while people don't even know I exist. I don't want to be famous, but I do want to know that I can make a difference. That I'm not a waste of space. That I matter." By now tears were streaming down both of your faces.

This is my fight song

Take back my life song

Prove I'm alright song

My powers turned on

Starting right now I'll be strong

I'll play my fight song

And I don't really care if nobody else believes

'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

Dean came up and wrapped his arms around you. He hated that you'd felt that way, that he'd made you feel that way. You continued talking, "I left because I needed to prove to myself that I could save people too. I didn't think that you believed in me. That doesn't matter now though, because I believe in myself. I know that I matter. I know that I can make a difference. But I also know that you were just trying to keep me safe, and I love you for that."

"Y/N, please don't leave again. I promise I'll be better about listening to you. I don't think I can handle knowing that your out there on your own, no back up. Hunt with me and Sam, please?" Dean asked, his voice wavering.

Hunting with your brother. That's all you ever wanted to do, so that's what you did. Because,

 you've still got a lot of fight left in you.

The End

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

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