Forget that Witch part 2 Final

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Dean x Reader

It had been a year since you'd left the bunker and the love of your life behind. You were sitting in a small diner, researching the case you were working on. You didn't bother looking up when you heard the bell over the door ring. You were so focused, you didn't even notice the sound of footsteps approaching your table. Though the sound of an all too familiar voice made you freeze.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. But have we met before? I feel like I know you." You looked up at the person who'd asked the question. Staring back at you was your favorite green eyed hunter.

You plastered a fake smile on your face. "Sorry, I don't think so. I think I would remember meeting someone as handsome as you," you lied. You were glad you had kept your voice from breaking.

Dean smirked, "You think I'm handsome? I'm Dean." He held out his hand for you to shake. "Can I get your name beautiful? And maybe your number?"

You shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Dean. But I really need to get going," you said, ignoring his questions as you gathered up your stuff. You threw some money on the table and were out the door before Dean even had a chance to say goodbye.

Tears streaked down your face as walked across the street back to your motel room. On the way there, you bumped into a familiar trench coated angel.

"Y/N?" he asked. Not waiting for an answer, he engulfed you in a tight hug.

"Hey Cas," you said, returning the hug. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Let's go into my room and I'll explain everything."

Cas let you go and followed you into your room. He sat and patiently listened to your explanation. From the fight with Dean and him kicking you out, to you erasing yourself from the boys' memories.

"Y/N, Dean has been heartbroken since you left, and he has no idea why." Cas stood up and placed a hand on your shoulder. "You need to give them their memories back."

"I will. I promise Cas. As soon as I finish this hunt, I don't want to be distracted on the job." Cas nodded, satisfied with your response. "Wanna help me burn some bones tonight?" you asked.

"Of course Y/N. You're family."

"Alright, meet me at the graveyard after sundown." 

Cas gave you another hug before leaving. "See you there."

*Time skip brought to you by my bad decisions and angst*

The sun had just finished setting when you pulled up to the graveyard. Your headlights shone on Cas before you turned the car off. Stepping out of your car, you made your way to the trunk. Cas joined you as you pulled out a couple shovels and a duffle bag filled with everything you needed to salt and burn the bones. You handed Cas a shovel and showed him the grave that you would be digging up. Then the two of you got to work.

Once you reached the coffin, you salted and burned the bones. Cas and you catching up as you waited for the flames to die out. When the flame was out, you drove Cas back to the motel and he insisted on walking you back to your room.

"Thanks for the help tonight Cas. And I swear on Baby, that I'll reverse the spell on the boys in the morning," you yawned out. Cas smiled, you loved that car as much as Dean did, only swearing on her to show how serious you were about keeping a promise.

"Alright Y/N, I'll see you in the morning then. Goodnight." Cas gave you a quick hug before you went into your room.

"Night Cas," you said before closing the door.

Dean was walking back to his motel room when he saw Cas hug you. Dean had only just met you this morning, but he was jealous of Cas touching you. Why was he jealous? And why was Cas hugging you? He was as socially awkward as they came, but he hadn't looked uncomfortable or awkward hugging you. Dean hurried to his room to have a talk with his best friend.

"Cas, who was that girl you were hugging just now?" Dean asked as soon as he entered the room.

Cas gave Dean a sad smile. "Just an old friend. I'll introduce you tomorrow."

Dean nodded, his slightly drunk mind satisfied with that answer for now. He slipped off his boots before passing out on his bed. His dreams that night were memories of a faceless girl. 

Waking up at sunrise the next morning, you immediately got to work on the reversal spell.

Dean's POV

I bolted up in bed. Y/N. That girl was Y/N. That's how I knew her. How had I forgotten her, she's the love of my life.

The color began to drain from my face as I remembered the last words I had spoken to her. Words of anger and hatred, that were completely untrue.

As fast as I could, I pulled on my shoes and ran to her motel room. I felt a slight sense of relief when I noticed that her car was still in the parking lot. I pounded on her door, my actions fueled by urgency. It felt like an eternity before the door opened, though it was probably only a minute.

When the door opened there stood Y/N. "Hi Dean," she said shyly.

I took a couple steps forward, closing the gap between us. Cupping her face with my hands, I bent down to bring our lips together. My kiss was rough and full of need. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed back with just as much intensity. I wrapped my arms around her waist. Holding on tight, afraid she might disappear again.

Eventually we broke apart to catch our breath, resting our foreheads together.

"Come home," I whispered.

"As long as I'm with you, I'm already home," she said. She stood on her tip toes and gave me gentle peck on the lips.

The End

A/N: When I was looking over my upload schedule for this month, I realized that I only have multi-part imagines for April. Take that how you wish, I'm choosing to think of it as a good thing. Hope you guys are enjoying my writing so far.

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

Supernatural Imagines and PreferencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora