Soulmate AU (Sam)

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Sam x Reader

In a world where you see the world in black and white until you meet your soulmate, you were fairly lucky. Some people never meet their soulmate's, or they meet them pretty late in life. But you, you met your soulmate when you were only seventeen.

Your parents had dragged you to a new town while they worked on a hunt in the area. A new town meant a new school. A new school meant you were once again, the new kid. You were always the new kid, and you hated it. But it's not like there was anything you could do about it. 

Staring at the schedule in your hand as you walked, trying to figure out where your first class was. Not paying attention, you walked right into someone. The impact caused you both to stumble. You started to ramble apologies.

Glancing up at the man you had walked into, the words you had been saying dying in your throat. He was really tall, with long shaggy hair, but his eyes were what really caught your attention. Wow. They were the most beautiful color you had ever seen. You couldn't help but get lost in them. And you weren't the only one that was mesmerized. The handsome stranger was staring right back at you. 

"Wow," he breathed out. A blush rose to your cheeks, and you glanced down at your shoes in embarrassment. 

Looking back up into those beautiful eyes, you introduced yourself. "I'm Y/N."

"I'm Sam," he said, extending his hand for you to shake. Shaking his hand, you noticed that your hands seem to be a perfect fit.

By the time the two of you left school that day, it had felt like you had known Sam your whole life. The two of you spent all of your free time together. It was the happiest either of you had ever been. Unfortunately, it didn't last. As soon as your parents were done with their hunt, they packed you up and left. You didn't even get a chance to tell Sam goodbye. 

You never did tell Sam what it was your parents did, you wanted to keep hunting as far away from him as you could. He was your soulmate, and you wanted him to have a happy, normal, and most of all, long, life. Something he could never have with you.

A few years later, you were working a case with your parents, when all the colors quickly faded to black and white. You knew that could only mean one thing. Sam was dead. Your soulmate was gone, and you would never get to see him again. At least, that's what you thought. Boy, were you wrong.

It had been a few months since your world had lost all color. You were just finishing up a simple salt and burn. You were parking your car in front of the cemetery, when you noticed another car already parked there. It was hard to tell in the dark, but the car looked just like the one Sam's dad used to drive. A sad smile gracing your lips at the thought of Sam. You scolded yourself as you snapped out of it. You had a ghost to take care of, memories could wait. 

Grabbing your supplies from the trunk, before you made your way to the grave you needed to dig up tonight. As you got closer, you realized you heard the sound of two voices and digging. You were hoping it was other hunters. You really didn't to want to have to deal with crazy people, as well as a ghost. 

Suddenly the ghost appeared, the men in the grave too busy digging to notice. Acting fast, you grabbed your shotgun and fired off a round of rock salt at the ghost. "Can you hurry up and burn those bones," you yelled at the two, going with the assumption that the two men were hunters. Your eyes darted around, looking for any sign of the spirit. 

You didn't realize how tall the men were until they finally climbed out of the grave. They were too busy burning the bones to pay attention to you. You froze when your eyes landed on the taller man, the world around you becoming colorful once again. It was Sam. But that wasn't possible because he was dead. 

When the body was burning steadily, the boys turned their attention to their savior. "Thanks for the assist," the shorter man, who you thought might be Dean, said. You didn't really hear him though, you were still staring at Sam in shock. 

"Y/N?" Sam asked, clearly surprised to be seeing you again. Not as shocked as you were though, you weren't the one that had died after all. Unable to form words, you simply nodded in answer to Sam's question.

Dean looked back and forth between you. "Y/N? As in your soulmate? That Y/N?" 

Gulping before finding your voice, you spoke, "But. But how? You- you died. You were dead!" 

Sam furrowed his eyebrow before his eyes widened in realization. "Everything was black and white again, wasn't it?" You nodded, tears started to streak down your cheeks as you remembered how you'd felt when your world lost all color. "Oh, Y/N," Sam said softly, coming up to you and gently wrapping his arms around you. The two of you just stood like that for a while, not noticing when Dean left to go wait in the impala.

"So, you're a hunter?" Sam asked, breaking the silence. 

You stepped back so you could see Sam's face. "Yeah. I was raised in the hunting life. How long have you been hunting?"

"My whole life, just like you. Dean and I were also raised in the life."

You chuckled, "Wish I'd known that back in high school. I didn't keep in touch because I didn't want to drag you into this life."

The two of you ended up going to a local bar to catch up on all that had happened in your time apart, including how Sam died but wasn't dead anymore. You talked for hours reliving old memories. It was almost like you were never apart.

That hunt was when you started hunting with the Winchesters. It wasn't always easy, but you were with Sam through it all. Through going to hell, Ruby, to Sam starting the apocalypse. The two of you made it work. But then Sam had to go and and save the world. He went to hell and your world was once again black and white.

With Sam gone, you and Dean lost touch. You knew he had gotten out of the life, while you went back to hunting on your own. It wasn't what Sam had wanted for you, but it was all you had left. 

A year later, you ended up seeing Dean again. He told you that Sam was back, and had apparently been back for a year. Dean took you to see him. But he was different. When you saw him the colors did come back, but they were dull and muted instead of the vibrant shades you were used to. You later found out it was because Sam didn't have his soul. 

You worked non-stop on getting Sam his soul back. When he did get it back, the colors were bright and vibrant once again. Your Sam was back and you weren't going to let him go.

The End

Wishing Sam Winchester a late happy birthday!

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

Supernatural Imagines and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora