Another Dean

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Dean x Reader

A/N: !!! SPOILERS!!!This takes place during season 15, episode 13

I was stuck in the bunker with Sam and Dean, but not my Sam and Dean. It was Dean's "brilliant" idea to avoid Chuck finding out what we were up to. So while Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack, go find the Occultum, I have to hang out with people that look like my best friends, but don't act like them. 

I was hanging out on my bed, regretting the fact that I had agreed to Dean's plan. I don't like being around people I don't know. But, I couldn't say no to Dean, which is one of the side effects of being completely head over heels for him. If only I could bring myself to clue him in to that fact. Since I couldn't, I was hiding in my room, avoiding the guy that looked just like him, and was nothing like the man I was in love with. 

My time alone with my thoughts was interrupted by a knock on my door. 

"Door's unlocked," I called out to my visitor.

The door opened a crack, and the other Dean's head peaked in. 

"Are you okay," he asked. "Sam and I were worried about you, we haven't seen you much." It was strange hearing him talk. He had the same face as Dean, but the way he talked was different. HIs voice was softer. My Dean's voice was coarse and gruff, and I could listen to him talk for hours. I often forced myself to stay awake on long car rides just to hear him talk. 

"I'm fine, just needed some time alone with my thoughts," I reassured him with a smile. I patted my bed to invite him to sit with me. After he sat down, I stared at his face for a moment before I had an idea. "Do you like pie?" He nodded hesitantly. I grinned. Grabbing his hand I pulled him along behind me to the kitchen.

Once we where in the kitchen, I let go of his hand and I could've sworn he looked disappointed. I grabbed a couple of aprons that I left hanging on the wall. I tossed one to him, which he caught and held up questioningly.                    

"We are going to make pie," I explained. "Do you think your brother would want to join us?"

"I don't think Sam would want to risk getting flour in his hair," he said. "Which means I get you all to myself." He winked at me. I stifled a laugh.

"Let's get to work Casanova."

After making the crust we both had flour dusting our clothes and hair. While we were making the filling, I managed to get some smeared on my cheek. Dean wiped it off with his thumb, then licked off his thumb while staring into my eyes. I rolled my eyes at him. If my Dean had done something like that, I would've been shaking at the knees. It was strange to me how differently I felt about the both of them. At least I knew that I wasn't just in love with Dean for his pretty face.

We ended up making three different kinds of pies. When they were all out of the oven and on the counter cooling, I left to go take a shower and clean myself up, which Dean had offered to help me with. But after I turned down his offer, he volunteered to stay behind and clean up the kitchen instead.

The rest of the time my boys were gone was spent relaxing. The three of us watched movies and played board games. The other Sam even let me braid his hair, my Sam never let me do that.

We were hanging out in the library, talking. I was in the middle of painting Dean's nails black, when the bunker door opened. 

"Y/N, we're back," Dean called from the entrance.

"Welcome back," I yelled out, not looking up from my task. "How'd it go?"

"Well we found the Occultum, and now Jack has his soul back," Sam said. 

I looked up at Jack with grin. "Really? You have your soul back?" He smiled and nodded at me. "Congratulations kid."

I was about to return my focus to my task, when I saw my Dean out of the corner of my eye. His brow was furrowed in anger, his eyes focused on the other Dean's and my hands. 

"What the hell are you doing," he growled, his teeth clenched together.

I shrugged, turning my eyes back to the nails I was painting. "You never let me paint your nails, but this Dean was okay with it." My Dean stared at us for a moment before stomping out of the room. "Sorry for him. I don't know what his current problem is."

"I do," the other Dean said. I glanced up at him briefly. "There is a gorgeous women paying attention to a guy that looks just like him. She's holding this other guy's hand, and he wants to know where he went wrong that it's not his hand she's holding." 

"He didn't let me paint his nails," I joked, not wanting to believe what he was telling me. Finished with painting his nails, I fiddled with the closed bottle of nail polish.

"I'm serious, he's jealous of me. I recognize what I look like jealous. It's the same way I've looked anytime you talk about him." My head snapped up tp meet his gaze. "Your eyes light up whenever you talked about him. I could even tell when you were thinking about him, that same sparkle in your eyes. You should tell him how you feel."

I stared off in the direction my Dean had disappeared. "You think so?" I whispered.

"I know that a man would have to be an idiot to not love you, and no matter what universe, I'm not that stupid."

I made a detour to the kitchen before going to see Dean in his room. With a slice of pie in hand, I tentatively knocked on the door.

"Who is it," Dean asked.

"It-It's Y/N. I wanted to talk to you."

Dean opened his door his head hung low. "What's different about him?"


"What makes him so different than me?" Dean sat down on the edge of his bed. Setting the pie down on his desk, I sat down next to him.

"Well," I started, "he's softer, not as rough around the edges. Even his voice is  smoother. He's mature. He's fascinated with they way we live, thinks we have it made." Dean put his head in his hands. I forced his hands down, and turned his head up to look at me. Placing my hands on his cheeks, I kissed him. He didn't hesitate in wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Keeping one hand on his cheek, I wrapped my other arm around his neck. When we broke apart for air, I rested my forehead against his. "He's also not the one I'm in love with. I love you Dean. Not some Dean from a random universe, just you. Just my Dean."

He buried his head in my neck. "I am your Dean, only yours. I love you too."

"I love that your not afraid to get your hands dirty. I love how rough your voice is, and how the sound of it warms me up inside. I love that you still get excited when Scooby-doo comes on tv. I love, that even after everything this world has thrown at you, you are still doing whatever you can to save it." Dean smiled against my neck. "I also love that you love pie, because I made three while you were gone, that I can't eat by myself."

"How did I get so lucky, to have made such a wonderful, beautiful, woman, fall in love with me?"

"You were you."

When we sent the other Sam and Dean on their way, my Dean kept one arm securely around my waist while we said goodbye. 

"You're one lucky guy Dean," other Dean said. 

My Dean smiled down at me. "Yeah. Yeah I am."

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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