Under the Weather

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Sam x Reader

The first sign that something was wrong with you, was that you slept in. You slept in late enough that the boys were beginning to worry. Just as they were about to go check on you, you shuffled into the kitchen.

Sam, Dean, and Cas watched your movements with concern.

"Y/N, you're not looking so hot there," Dean said.

"How do you feel," Sam asked.

You looked at Sam for a few seconds as your illness addled brain registered his question.

You felt, and you were pretty sure you looked, like crap. Your skin was pale and clammy, you couldn't breath through your nose, and your throat was so sore you could hardly talk. You also had a fever that was constantly causing you to go back and forth between freezing cold and burning up. You just wanted to crawl back into your blankets and sleep some more, but you really needed to refill your water bottle, and maybe take something for your cold.

"um, not great," you whispered out, your voice currently incapable of being any louder.

"Alright," Dean said, "you sound just as bad as you look. You're on bedrest until further notice. The three of us will take care of you till your better, so if you need anything, text us. Now go back to sleep."

You nodded, Dean's plan sounded fine with you. After you filled your water bottle, you made your way back to your room.

When you reached your room, you had an idea. Dean did say you were on bedrest, but he never said it had to be in your bed, or that it even had to be a bed at all.  So you gathered up your favorite blanket, your pillow, and your phone, and made your way to the couch in the "Dean-Cave". 

Meanwhile in the kitchen, the boys were discussing the plan for taking care of you. Sam was busy making you a cup of your favorite tea, while Dean was assigning jobs.

"I'm gonna head into town and pick up anything that Y/N might need. Cas, I'm gonna have you in charge of bringing her anything she asks for. And Sam, I want you to make sure she doesn't try and over do it today." 

"Sounds like a plan," Sam said. "We'll text you if we think of anything that you should pick up."

"We will take excellent care of Y/N, Dean," Cas said.

"I know you will Cas." Dean patted Cas on the shoulder before leaving the kitchen.

Once the tea was ready, Sam took it to your room. But when he got there, you weren't in there, and your blanket and pillow were also gone. After checking several of the rooms for you, Sam heard the tv playing in Dean's man-cave. Peeking in, he saw you passed out on the couch, an episode of your favorite show playing on the tv.

Entering the room as quietly as he could, Sam set the mug down on the end table and sat down on the far end of the couch by your feet. Pulling out his phone, Sam planned on reading until you needed something. He did read, but not before snapping a quick photo of you curled up in your blanket.

Cas was sitting in the library when Dean entered the bunker carrying several grocery bags.

"How's Y/N doing," Dean asked.

"She has been sleeping on the couch in the "Dean-Cave" since you left," Cas answered. The trench coated angel stood up and helped Dean carry the bags to the kitchen. 

"That's good. The more sleep she gets, the faster she'll get better."

Once they were in the kitchen, they set the bags down on the counter. Dean began to rummage through the bags until he found the box of cold medicine that he'd bought. Handing the box to Cas, he asked him to give it to Sam while he worked on getting everything put away. 

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