Pick-up Lines

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Dean x Reader

You lived in the bunker with the Winchesters. Sam is like a brother to you, while Dean is your best friend, although you wished you were something more.

You and the boys had just gotten back home after finishing up a hunt. Sam choose to go straight to bed, while you and Dean opted to stay up a little longer to unwind and talk.

In the library, you were both leaning back in your chairs, feet were propped up on the table and beers were in your hands. The two of you were laughing about the cheesy pick-up lines a guy had tried to use on you during the case. You loved to watch Dean laugh, really laugh. When he would have his head thrown back, his eyes would scrunch up, and the sound of his deep laugh penetrating the air. It was a sight you didn't get to see as often as you would like, so you made sure to cherish it when you did get to see it.

"Did you see the look on that guys face when I told him to get lost," you asked.

Dean chuckled, "Yeah, it was priceless. As if pick-up lines would ever work on you." Though Dean was laughing about it now, it had made Dean jealous when the guy had come up and tried to flirt with you. He had his jaw clenched tight in anger, because, for the brief moment before you started laughing at the guy, he thought it was working.

"Well," you started. Dean quirked an eyebrow at you. "What?"

"So your telling me, that a guy has used some corny pick-up line on you, and it worked," Dean asked. His tone was of playful disbelief, but inside, he was jealous of just the idea of some guy trying to flirt with you, never mind the idea of it actually working.

"No. But I am a sucker for cheesy pick-up line. So if someone ever used one I liked, I might be willing to give them a shot," you said, smiling into your beer bottle before taking a drink.

Dean smirked, "Alright, why don't you tell me your favorite pick-up line, one that might give a guy a shot."

You stood up and stretched, thinking about the answer to Dean's question. Smiling when you figured out your answer. You went and stood next to Dean, leaning back against the table. "You must be a werewolf, cause you've stolen my heart," you said in the most seductive voice you could muster, as if you were flirting with a stranger in a random bar, and not your best friend that you're in love with.

Between the look in your eyes, that Dean couldn't quite name, and tone of your voice, Dean couldn't help how his breath hitched in his throat. He couldn't count the number of times he'd dreamed of something like this happening.

"Are you a witch? Cause you've put a spell on me." Your eyes were locked with Dean's, his taking a quick glance down at your lips. Not sure where you were getting the courage from, you sat on Dean's lap, gently resting your arms on his shoulder. You leaned in, so your noses were almost touching. "Either your a siren or the guy of my dreams," you whispered.

Closing the small distance, you brought your lips to Dean's. Your lips moved slow and gently. It took Dean's brain a moment to register that this was actually happening. Once it did, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer to him. 

Eventually you had to pull back to breath. While you were trying to catch your breath, you rested your head on Dean's shoulder. Nuzzling his face into your shoulder, Dean spoke, "Did a djinn get me, cause this a dream come true."

"Anymore pick-up lines from you Mr. Winchester, and we'll have to continue this in a more private setting," you whispered into Dean's ear, before starting to kiss his neck. Not waiting to be told twice, Dean stood and carried you bridal style to his room, peppering kisses on your neck as he walked. Once you were in his room, he closed the door behind him.

Needless to say, you and Dean weren't best friends anymore, and you couldn't have been happier about it.

The End

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

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