Trench Coat

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Cas x Reader

It was a cold winter day at the bunker. Despite the frigid weather, your brothers Sam and Dean, had gone on a supply run. The fridge was empty and the cupboards were bare. You were too cold to care though.

You were chilled down to the bone. In an attempt to feel warmer, you pulled on your thickest socks and your warmest hoodie. They did squat.

Curling up in a blanket, you sat on the couch in the Dean-Cave, and waited for your brothers to return. They were your personal heaters. Whenever you were cold, you would usually just go and cuddle up next to one of them, leaching off of their natural warmth. You swore they were like Elsa, the cold never seemed to bother them. 

While you waited for Sam and Dean, you fell asleep. Because you were freezing, you were tense and it was uncomfortable.

Castiel returned to a silent bunker. He'd just finished a solo hunt and had called Dean to let him know that he was almost back to the bunker. Dean let him know that he and Sam were on a beer run, but that you were still at the bunker. When Cas returned, he wasn't alarmed at the uncharacteristically quiet halls, knowing that it was only you around. When you were there with your brothers, there was almost always some sounds drifting through the halls, whether it was a conversation, the tv, or even gunfire if one of you was practicing in the shooting range. But when it was just you, you tended to stay pretty quite. When Cas asked you why you were so quite one time, you told him that you were conserving your energy to deal with your brothers. 

Once in the bunker, Cas decide he would find you and see if you wanted to do something together. He enjoyed spending time with you. You made him feel comfortable. You were also always willing to answer his questions, even the ones that made you uncomfortable. He regretted when he asked a question that made you uncomfortable, usually your face would turn bright red before you answered, and as you answered, Cas would realize why that particular question was awkward to talk about. The angel always wanted for you to feel as comfortable around him as he felt around you. 

Cas began his search for you in the library, knowing you enjoyed being in there more when your brothers weren't around to annoy you. Not finding you there, he continued his search, but you weren't in any of the places where he could usually find you. He was beginning to worry by the time he went to check the "Dean-Cave". There you were, curled up asleep on the couch. Cas smiled when his eyes landed on you, it turned into a frown though as soon as he noticed you shivering. Shrugging off his trench coat, he laid it on top of you, hoping it might help warm you up. It did.

You relaxed, Cas' lingering body heat on the coat finally helping to fight off the cold. The distinct smell of Cas making you unconsciously smile. Just thinking about Cas made you feel warm. Being around the angel made you feel like it was a nice, warm spring day after a harsh, cold winter, it was inviting, and it warmed you down to your soul. 

Satisfied now that you were warm, Cas went to read in the library, not want to disturb your slumber. That's where he was when your brothers got back to the bunker. While Sam went to go put the groceries away, Dean stayed to talk with his best friend.

Dean was surprised that Cas wasn't hanging out with you, usually he never missed the opportunity to be around you. Dean knew it was because the angel was in love with you. Being your big brother, Dean didn't even like the thought of you dating. But he did want you to be happy, and you seemed to enjoy spending time with Cas. Besides, you could do a lot worse. Cas would treat you right, and if he didn't, well, he knew what Sam and Dean were capable of. 

"Where's Y/N?" Dean asked, not missing the faint smile that tugged at the angel's lips at the sound of your name.

"She is sleeping in your man-cave," Cas answered.

"Cas, bud. Where's your coat," Dean asked, having realized that Cas wasn't wearing his signature trench coat. 

A slight blush arose on Cas's cheeks and he looked down at his hands. "Uh, Y/N looked cold, so I left it with her."

Sam, having just reentered the room, spoke up, "Dude, you are never getting that thing back now." Both Dean and Cas looked at Sam, their faces twisted in confusion.

Dean might know about Cas' feeling for you, but Sam was the only one who'd figured out that you had a crush on the angel.

Sam looked back and forth between them before continuing, "Seriously? You guys don't see it?"

"See what," you yawned from the doorway. By now, you you had put on the trench coat, even if it was several sizes to big on you. The sleeves went way past your hands, and the bottom of the coat dragged on the floor. With your sleeve-covered hand, you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. Cas thought you were adorable when you'd just woken up. Unlike Dean, who was like angry bear, you were like a disoriented puppy. 

Knowing he might regret what he was about to do later, Sam smirked. "That you're in love with Cas."

Your eyes widened in shock. You didn't think either of your brothers knew about your crush, and now Sam had spilled the beans to Cas, you were definitely going to make his life a living hell later. You might've expected Dean to blurt out your secret, but not Sam. Sam pulled Dean out of the room, making a break for it before you recovered from your shock.

Rather than chasing after your brothers, you looked at Cas, scared to see his reaction to Sam's words. You were surprised to see a giant grin on his face. 

"Are you really in love with me?" Cas asked, his voice full of hope. You simply nodded, afraid you might fumble over your words if you tried to speak.

Cas stood up and walked over to you. Cupping your face, he gently stroked your cheek with his thumb. Then he leaned down and kissed you. The kiss was rougher than you had expected from the innocent angel, but is was so much better than you could have dreamed of, and you've dreamed of kissing Cas more than you'd like to admit. When you pulled back to breath, you nuzzled your face into Cas' neck.

"You can have your coat back Cas. I'm nice and warm now," you said.

"Keep it. I like how it looks on you," he said, kissing your neck.

It was a magical moment, so of course Dean had to ruin it. "I bet he'd like it even better on your floor," Dean yelled into the room. This caused both you and Cas to turn bright red.

You did keep a hold of the coat for a little while, but you eventually gave it back. Cas never asked for it back, but he was secretly glad when you returned it to him. He'd felt naked without it.

Now, whenever you're cold, you just borrow Cas' trench coat, and cuddle up with your angel.

The End

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

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